FBI GUY: Mr. Santos, we need to--
GEORGE: It's Devolder.
FBI GUY: What's Devolder?
GEORGE: My last name.
FBI GUY: Okay, George Devolder, we need--
GEORGE: First name's Tony.
FBI GUY: Tony?
GEORGE: Tony Devolder. That's my name.
FBI GUY: But you got elected under the name George Santos. So what is that, a stage name?
GEORGE: No, my stage name is Kitara Ravache. And right now, I'm going by my stage name.
FBI GUY: Look, sir--
GEORGE: Madam, not sir! Or Ms. Or "miss."
FBI GUY: Look, Kitana--
GEORGE: Kitara!
FBI GUY: So are you, in fact, George Santos?
GEORGE: Not right now. So if you're here to arrest George Santos, you'll have to come back when he's here.
FBI GUY: And when will that be?
GEORGE: When he gets back from repairing the Hubble Space Telescope.
FBI GUY: That's not even a thing anymore. There's the James Webb Space Telescope now.
GEORGE: Oh, listen to you, Mister "I-Know-All-About-NASA!"
FBI GUY: That's about enough, Santos-Devolder-whatever-your-transvestite-show name is.
GEORGE: Ravache! That's Brazilian for "ravishing!"
FBI GUY: No it's not.
GEORGE: You got me there. I like to embellish.
FBI GUY: You're under arrest.
GEORGE: How much do you have saved for retirement? I have an investment that will deliver 18% returns...
FBI GUY: All right, let's — Wait... Did you say 18%?