The Wall Street Journal is now reporting that Israel is responsible for an explosion at a munitions factory in Isfahan, Iran. The Journal cites unnamed "U.S. officials and people familiar with the operation."
The Journal's reporting adds to a report by The Jerusalem Post also citing unnamed sources to assert Israel and the Mossad was behind the strike. Iran claims that three quadcopter drones attacked the facility and that one was shot down; while the Journal reports that images of the strike's aftermath show "minor" damage, primarily to the facility's roof, the Post reports that "Western intelligence sources and foreign sources" believe the attack to be "a tremendous success." The site is next to a government Space Research Center facility. Neither paper can offer more than speculation as to what the intended target of the Israeli strike was; Israel has previously struck targets inside Iran said to be associated with the nation's nuclear research, but Iran has more recently been accused of providing Russia with drones used in Russia’s attacks on Ukrainian cities and civilians.
The explosions led to apparent panic inside Iran, with social media claims speculating that the explosions could indicate a coup attempt against the hardline religious regime; seven different Iranian cities were said to have been attacked, and even a strong earthquake in northern Iran was speculated to be somehow involved. None of those other attacks have been verified—some or all may be hoaxes inspired by or intended to take advantage of the panic.
Multiple explosions in Iran spread panic, rumors of military attack or internal schism