The photo above represents some of the weapons seized in a single arrest in New Orleans this fall. Last year, our local PD made over 950 gun-charge arrests. We have an inordinate amount of illegal firearms passing though our city, despite having reasonable laws to keep guns out of the wrong hands. Here, one may openly carry a firearm in public at 18, but concealed carry requires a permit and the minimum age is 21. Hardly the country’s most restrictive, but not quite the Wild West (which really wasn’t all that wild).
Across the Sabine’s a bit of a different story. Open—and concealed—carry sans permit is the order of the day, in just about any place but a school or a government office.
The governor of Texas, a Mr. Abbott, has spent the last year sending undocumented immigrants in his state to other places he considers “sanctuary” locations. 80,000, at last count. None of those locales has been consulted on the transfers and there are serious questions as to the legality of the relocations.
I think it’s time to consider a little fair play turnabout. As Texas appears to be eager to welcome guns and their owners and sellers, including illegally trafficked weapons, it is fair to describe the Lone Star State as a sanctuary for guns and gun criminals.
Therefore, I propose that leaders of cities and states that do not welcome unlimited, unpermitted and too often illegal guns and their purveyors immediately begin sending their gun-crime arrestees to Mr. Abbott’s Second Amendment paradise.
Oh, the governor can whine that he never invited these people, that they are the problem of the states they came from, that such transfers could actually be illegal, precisely the arguments against Texas’ immigrant exodus.
I would suggest responding that, if Texas doesn’t want guns and gun criminals from other states, it should stop being a Gun Sanctuary State. I’m sure he’ll understand.
I’m putting a snark tag on this, but I’m honestly undecided.