The I/P designation was used to denote Israel and Palestine.
I wrote that I was not to write about this subject anymore and that still holds.
There will shortly be no Palestine to write about, only separate pockets of Palestinians.
The 2 state solution is dead and buried.
If you had been listening to the Israeli leaders' comments over the last month, that was the plan all along. It is as clear as day.
The spluttering from the US government about a two-state solution is meaningless as they have no relevance on the ground. One could even state Israel has shrugged off American Imperialism while pocketing the cash. The US ignored the problem for too long, deliberately so?
The carving up of Gaza into a wide demilitarised zone and 3 or 4 concentrated prison camps with Napoleonic-style wide boulevards to be able to intervene at any sign of resistance militarily at a moment's notice.
Increased illegal settlements in the West Bank and the separation of Palestinians into smaller enclaves will continue at an increased pace, Once again Palestinians will be subject to military law. There will be no Palestinian West Bank.
White South Africans shirked from the type of violence required to maintain the Apartheid system, Israel is not.
There is only one description for the type of State that has two different legal systems for 2 “types” of people. [One civilian and criminal law the other militray law]
The Palestinian Non-Authority may continue in name only, but as usual, it will still be ignored.
You can call this anti-semitism only if you are willing to confirm that the extremist right-wing government of Israel represents all Judaism, i.e. Zionism.
I had hoped there was time to stop this madness, but sadly, I think the timer ran out.
Recommended reading:
Noam Chomsky: The Fateful Triangle [updated edition 1999].
I hope that I am wrong.
I am of Irish and Breton heritage, so why the empathy with Palestinians?