When some person, former president or not stands in front of the American people saying he will be a dictator which is declaring himself King and goes against the constitution and brags about being indicted , that person needs to be locked up. WHY ISN”T HE?
Does the rule of law just apply to some? That is not America. There was a time someone ...anyone would be run out of the country on a rail or worse. He is inciting people right now. He is not adhering to court orders. He is not even trying to hide his intentions.
What the Hell is wrong with Americans? Men and Women have died to preserve democracy and people sit and shiver and do a lot of talking but not organizing and in the streets or using massive number of citizens to confront this guy who should be locked up.
Boy is our healthcare in trouble considering this is talk of insanity especially with the threats and noise he is making. If it is attention he wants, then give it to him. Ad after ad after ad non stop. Massive protests against him. Run his ass out of the country till he feels sheer fear from the rest of America who wants democracy.
For all the people who stormed the beaches of Normandy, or fell in a pool of blood for democracy in some God awful war that Americans fought and lived in misery to themselves and families or died by their own hand from survivor guilt to protect democracy… Lost limbs, and sacraficed for us what is this saying to them? .I am saying is this a kick in their teeth or what? Might as well say, Thanks soldiers but we are going to let this lying reality con take your valor away.
LBJ could not handle all the protests. I doubt Trump could hand 1/3 of what LBJ had to put up with.
People of American llovers of democracy… THIS CAN”T GO ON. This is not going away.
If this is not nipped in the bud soon….we are are in a world of trouble. There should be a movement and it should start now not in October. I am an old lady of 73 but I know MLK or JFK or John Lewis and many more I could name would not just stand back without some sort of Organizing and movement to protect America from this insanity. How many have bled for the right to vote? How many have been jailed?
Don’t think these brainwashed people don’t have a Trump cancer in their head… They do. Don’t think we can’t lose. I watched the 60’s miniseries from 1999 last night and people relentless and focused said Hell NO we won’t go for years and protested all over with dogs and waterhoses for injustice. This is that and much worse. Camps? Dictator? We need a leader to step up and take this bull by the horns and turn this dictator around. It may take thousands of us but if we don’t….we will no longer have a democracy. Waiting to pull that ballot lever may be too late. Yes we should all GOTV and vote...afterall it may be our last election.
There used to not be BREAKING NEWS every day but a .,” We interrupt this program for an emergency message” Ads should be flooding the airwaves both internet and radio and television . We shouldn’t be talking politically about anybody or anything else but the threat this man is imposing. Focus….
This was civil protest against the Vietnam War and people were willing to get our troops home. We need to be just as willing to protect democracy. There was the Civil Rights movement going on at the same time.
People….We need to quit closing our eyes and get off our asses and stop this doing nothing as Trump climbs...because of good people doing nothing. Doing nothing is not an option. We can’t just continue to wait for Liz Cheney’s next book or making the case of danger. She is doing something and it is a good thing, especially from a Cheney.
Civil Rights Movement