Trans news continues to be overwhelmingly bleak and grim, thanks in no small part to Republicans—and the moderates who humor them. Trans folks already face disproportionate levels of violence, live with higher reported rates of depression and suicidal ideation, and are more likely to become homeless and drop out of high school without a diploma. And that’s been the case before the recent onslaught of anti-trans legislation coming out of conservatives.
The big angles are the ones most readers of Daily Kos are already familiar with: sports, health care, and bathrooms. All three are still (sadly) part of the Republican talking guide, but they’ve expanded into fresh versions of hate, like insidious book bans and Don’t Say Gay bills. It’s a scary time, and progressives need to get on board in this very real and necessary fight.
One recent example if you’re looking to get involved: We need eyes on Texas right now.
Thanks to SB 1029—filed by Republican state Sen. Bob Hall of Texas, who has a history of outrageous beliefs—there’s a considerable chance almost all forms of safe and age-appropriate gender-affirming health care will be made illegal in the state. And that includes trans adults. In fact, it not only covers both youth and adults but even nonsurgical treatments. The legislation also seeks to allow medical malpractice lawsuits for life against providers and insurers who cover gender-affirming care.
For emphasis: This anti-trans health care bill isn't seeking to only bar youth from safe, age-appropriate health care. It’s seeking to stop adults from accessing it, too.
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The bill argues that these procedures are not in the “best interest of the health of the patient” but instead are being offered for the “monetary gain” of “health care facilities.”
The bill seeks to ban public funding for any and all gender modifications, including vasectomies, hysterectomies, and castration. It also seeks to limit puberty blockers and hormones used to “affirm the patient’s perception of the patient’s sex.” (Meaning: Such care would still be available for folks born intersex, for example.)
In terms of possible malpractice claims, the bill seeks to establish providers as liable, including for the patient’s medical, pharmaceutical, and mental health costs post-procedure. This bit isn’t the most eye-catching, admittedly, but it’s deeply concerning because of the possible fallout. It’s hard to find safe and affordable gender-affirming care as it is. If physicians are worried about such a wide-ranging and lifelong liability, it’s entirely possible folks will just ... stop offering it.
If you’re thinking: Well, that’s a concern about physicians who provide abortions too, isn’t it? That it’s so hard to actually provide the care in some places, it just disappears? In a word: Exactly.
That’s why we are so damn scared, and again, why trans issues are about bodily autonomy and dignity. The fight for reproductive health is one and the same as the fight for trans rights. We move in solidarity or (I fear) we move backward.