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It’s already a happy Friday for me!
One of the peculiar habits indulged at KITM World Headquarters while we’re off the air is the production staff’s fondness for watching the same movies over and over again. Which is probably something you may have guessed, given how often I recite lines from those movies as if they were relevant to the day’s news.
But one of the things that gives us special pleasure is recognizing actors in different settings, especially when they’re years removed from the roles from which we remember them. Doubly so if the role is minor, but still memorable.
You probably won’t care, but I’m not sure anybody cares what’s in these posts at all, really. So I’ll just tell you: last night’s find was from The Martian (2015), in which Jet Propulsion Lab technician Tim Grimes turns out to have been played by Nick Mohammed, now famous for his role as Nate Shelley in Ted Lasso.
That is all.
Well, that and the news.
Ways to Listen to Kagro in the Morning: