I think that the gun problem is not the one we think. It’s not the money. It’s not the NRA. It’s that the bullets can’t “go” without them.
Every time there is a shooting (sigh) we become enraged and demand that someone do something. Like clockwork, we are met with ridiculous NRA illogic and near hysterical screaming about the Second Amendment. Dutifully, we say that we don’t want to “take their guns” or keep “law abiding” citizens from owning assault rifles. (I do.) Then we get Boebert, or Greene, or whomever, or the orange stain vomiting out a clear call for more guns and more violence and his brown shirts start making threats — which we ignore, or “file a lawsuit!” over, or minimize as “fringe.” No. It’s not fringe. It’s not reverent defense of one single Amendment to the exclusion of every other one. It’s not hunting or self-defense, or protecting “a way of life.”
It’s not about calling rifles “rifles” and getting CNN hosts to be more “sensitive” to the feelings of gun fetishists, or getting into arguments on Reddit until just to stop the barrage of adolescent contradiction, we start calling rifles “long guns” as if by acquiescing to today’s manifestation of their language of obsession we can “move the conversational needle.”
What it is, is them having actively ejected any possible reachable moral core and thereby freeing them to do everything possible to keep us locked in this paralysis while they stockpile guns. Because that’s what it is about. It’s about the guns. Not about having them or even the threat of using them to impose will. They don’t want to argue. They don’t want to be convinced. They want guns because that is who they are. It is who they were. It is the South will rise again. It is “if only we had had the manufacturing infrastructure of the North.” They are the distributed Confederacy. They are not “Conservatives.” They are not the “Right Wing.” They are Confederates. When they were defeated the last time, they ingrained the lessons of the loss into their stories, waving that fucking flag, and miraculously succeeded against all odds by intentionally developing a mechanism to inculcate their hate into their children for seven generations. They bought the radio stations and the newspapers. They derisively cheated into positions of power, stole the money, then used the laws of the society they loathed to embed themselves, make it illegal to limit the nurturing of their anti-humanity, and ready television’s fields of perception for sowing with “black criminals” and “filthy Mexicans” the skin of each only serving as different shades of the uniform of their enemy, to extend, broadcast and institutionalize their hate. They wedged themselves likes parasites into the receptive caves of state offices and chipped, chipped, chipped… while all the while we thought we were just having differences of opinion with other citizens who just had a “different” view of how we could all move forward together. Some of us were coworkers or thought we were friends with them. No. They don’t want to be citizens with us, or move forward together. We should have realized they were almost ready to move about eight years ago, when all of the beards started growing again. Looking at white men now is like taking a time machine to 1860.
It’s not what we thought. They don’t see climate change as a problem, or food crises, or energy crisis. They aren’t concerned with COVID, or drought, or the plight of cities or inequality. In the paradise they want, these go away or drastically reduce because they don’t expect as many people around. The world is already built up to their liking. They don’t need the slaves anymore.
We can stupidly say that “they SHOULD BE ASHAMED.” A more ridiculous and impotent statement has never been uttered. Stop saying it. They aren’t ashamed. What they are is fixed on the good ole’ days before they lost the last time and this time they are stocking the armory.
THAT’s what the guns are for. That’s what the no license or background checks are for. That’s what the ARs are for. Kids are collateral damage, but they weren’t expecting all the kids to be around anyway.
They are stocking up, and what we have done is constrained all action on our part to discussion - polite discussion with people who are making no secret of actively intending to kill us.