A civil arrest warrant was issued April 18 for Ammon Bundy, with his bail set at $10,000. For nearly a year, the anti-government militant has repeatedly failed to show up in court to face a defamation lawsuit filed against him by St. Luke’s Health System. Bundy’s complete disregard for every legal obligation is a perfect encapsulation of the deadbeat-dad ethos the Bundy welfare family has practiced for decades.
Bundy is now holed up on his Idaho property, hiding out from the contempt charge he is facing, and the Gem County sheriff has been too afraid—or perhaps too empathetic—to actually arrest him. A trip by St. Luke’s lawyers to the state Supreme Court seems to have helped reignite the sheriff’s courage, and on Day 9 of the Bundy squat-off, video was released showing county sheriff's deputies arriving at the Bundy property to serve him with an arrest warrant.
The pathway to the home was blocked by a Three Percenter militia member and his truck. The video shows the deputies asking if Ammon Bundy is in the residence and who everybody is, but Bundy’s militia detail refuses to answer any questions.
RELATED STORY: Bundy claims martyrdom again over ‘medical kidnapping’ of toddler, followers spring into action
In March 2022, Bundy was arrested after he tried to take a 10-month-old child who was receiving treatment for malnutrition out of St. Luke’s Meridian Medical Center. Bundy and his outfit claimed the hospital was holding the infant in a “medical kidnapping.” The child was apparently related to one of Bundy’s associates, Diego Rodriguez, and had been brought to the hospital by Child Protective Services.
According to all factual reports, the 10-month-old had been hospitalized a few weeks earlier for malnutrition, but released back to the parents. After the parents failed to show up for two follow-up appointments, the child was placed in the state’s care. Bundy and Rodriguez’s antics, including protests at various St. Luke’s properties, resulted in St. Luke’s downtown Boise campus being locked down, putting people’s safety in jeopardy.
Since then, Bundy’s defense has been that St. Luke’s is trying to ruin his life because they’re a big business. It isn’t a legal defense but with the kind of blind following people like Bundy enjoy, it certainly serves as a fundraising tool. The legal process has been met with increased threats from Bundy, and Gem County Sheriff Donnie Wunder has claimed to be too afraid to serve Bundy with legal notices in general.
Wunder wrote the court before the arrest warrant was issued, saying that over the past few weeks, Bundy has become “more and more aggressive with his behavior” and that he was concerned for “the safety of process servers and my deputies. I do not want to risk harm over a civil issue.” But, according to KTVB, “after St. Luke's went to the Idaho Supreme Court, Sheriff Wunder had a change of heart” and said he would start doing his job.
Bundy has been doing all of the things you’d expect from most right-wing charlatans with ambitions of running for office, including:
It’s important to remember that people like Ammon Bundy seem to have a real blind spot when it comes to how much their entire livelihood depends on the federal government and the “handouts” they rail against. Whether it’s the unauthorized free grazing on federal land for his dad’s cattle or the money the SBA gave his small business, Bundy sure does love free money.
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Dimitri of WarTranslated has been doing the essential work of translating hours of Russian and Ukrainian video and audio during the invasion of Ukraine. He joins Markos and Kerry from London to talk about how he began this work by sifting through various sources. He is one of the only people translating information for English-speaking audiences. Dimitri has followed the war since the beginning and has watched the evolution of the language and dispatches as the war has progressed.