This may be one of the shortest Op-Eds you will ever read.
It’s about disgusting antisemitism.
It may also be one you never forget.
I run a large civil rights advocacy organization called the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF). We have served over 83,600 military and veteran clients throughout DoD, DHS, DOT, the VA, and the 17 national security agencies for nearly 20 years now. About 95% of them are practicing Christians. Our job is to protect and fortify the Constitutionally-mandated wall separating church and state where all of America’s nuclear, conventional, and laser-guided weapons reside.
We are extremely good at what we do, but it comes with a cost. We are very, ahem, “unpopular" with the MAGA-infused, right-wing, fundamentalist Christian nationalist klan of religious extremist fascists, which presently makes up the overwhelming majority of the GOP. We hear from them with their vomitous diatribe of threats pretty much around-the-clock.
My wife Bonnie has actually written two books just exposing the vile hate mail we receive.
We had a particularly wretched, antisemitic one posted on our MRFF website over this Memorial Day weekend.
I happen to be Jewish, so it seems that fact triggers the cowards out there to spew their threatening filth, especially over the internet. As I said, we get a boatload of it constantly.
I’m sure most of you know by now that egregious antisemitism has been exploding concomitantly with the advent of the cowardly psychopath, tRump, and his fellow hateful travelers.
It has to be stopped.
OK, here is the utterly despicable post which MRFF got on our website over the weekend.
If you’re not 100% appalled and demand that the author be found and prosecuted, I’m pretty sure there is little hope for you and your sick ilk.
New comment on your post "Fuuck you dirty kikes"
Author: Kike Girl Rayper Continued (IP address: xxxxxxxxxx)
The Jews ruin everything. They deserved the Holocaust and their genetically deformed bodies. Retribution is coming for you hook-nosed freaks. May ant-kikery RISE!
PS Good job Hitler
This kind of online hate is NOT protected by the First Amendment. Our law enforcement agencies MUST step up to shut this rapidly spreading horror down by aggressively and publicly prosecuting those criminals who send these repulsive messages.