Before I start, I want to once again extend grateful thanks to Ed Tracey for his Monday night diary. As you’ll discover, there was no way I was going to be able to write (and it was NOT because we’d spent too much time in The 720, aka the classier & quieter of the two Hotel Bars!).
It was SO good to be back at Netroots Nation, after two years of remote conferences during the height of the Pandemic and then Casa Brillig’s need to skip last year for a multitude of reasons. Of the 18 Netroots Nation/YearlyKos conferences, we’ve missed just last year in Pittsburgh. According to email attendees received today, NN23 was the second-highest attended of all, its 2900 attendees surpassed only by NN22 in Pittsburgh. And while many of the regular faces were unable to be there, new faces came and became part of the NN Family. Including K1’s significant other, who has made himself an invaluable part (along with K1) of the NN behind-the-scenes volunteer contingent!
Because I’m terrible at formatting photo diaries (how DO y’all get pretty formatted diaries with photos exactly the size you need for your text?!), I’m shifting to comments under the photos for a bit:
What a great conference, and between sessions I got to see so many of my NN family at the hotel bar, at impromptu dinners, and at Ed Tracey’s expertly organized in abstentia C&J dinner. We stayed up too late, walked for MILES, had fun at pub quiz (Team 15th Time’s The Charm took third place!) and social events, and even managed to find fellow Pokemon Go fans in attendance!
Exhausted and ready to head home after a Sunday visit to the Shedd Aquarium, we were in a taxi to O’Hare when we learned our flight was cancelled due to terrible storms in the northeast. Mr. Brillig took charge of rebooking as the taxi continued to the airport, and then he said “So. The earliest flight they can get us on is Tuesday afternoon. To LaGuardia. Umm.”
We looked at Amtrak, who had seats on a Monday train that would get us in sometime Wednesday. And that’s when K1 said “This might be silly but could we rent a car and drive?” Escape From Chicago was begun!!
I’ve got photos of the signage as we entered Indiana… then Ohio. Well, that one’s blurry because it was 11:15pm and we were exhausted. At 2am we checked into a Red Roof Inn in Elyria OH to get some sleep because while we wanted to get home asap, we also thought not falling asleep while driving was a good idea.
After a trip to caffeine up, we were on the road at 9:30am with 677 miles to go. We made it to Pennsylvania around 11am and then New York State a little over an hour later. We realized we’d be driving the rest of the way back on I-90, which runs right past Rochester, so we took a detour both to show K1’s significant other the University of Rochester (where so far all of Casa Brillig but K2 have attended) and to get lunch with K1’s friend at our favorite bubble tea/ramen/sushi bowl restaurant. It was as delicious as we remembered!
Thankfully, after the sheer number of trips we’ve made to and from Rochester, it was a relatively easy final push. We left at around 4pm and with a couple of stops to stretch our increasingly achy bodies, we crossed into Massachusetts at 8:30pm Monday night. At 11pm Eastern, 29 hours after we started our rental car and began to drive, we pulled up in front of the house. Mr. Brillig went to return the rental car to the airport and ransom our car from Airport Parking, and at 1am Tuesday morning, we fell asleep.
You may be wondering… hey, Brillig, you haven’t mentioned K2 at all, what gives? K2 didn’t want to go to NN23 and so had his first weeklong experience staying at the house alone. He did a spectacular job, managing the dishwasher, washer and dryer, and driving himself to everywhere he needed to be. He also retrieved the dog from the boarding facility because we weren’t home in time. I couldn’t be prouder of how his week went.
Netroots Nation 2024 will be held in Baltimore MD. Casa Brillig ALREADY is planning on taking the train down. Given the current state of airline travel, I can’t imagine taking a plane when any other option is feasible. While our fare was refunded, our Great Escape ended up costing more even as it got us home a full day earlier than the potential rebooked flight.
I’m glad to be home, although we’re getting into the car tomorrow to see relatives at their cabin on Sebago Lake Maine. I hope all’s well in your world… let’s chat in the comments after you peruse tonight’s Tops!
Here at Top Comments we welcome longtime as well as brand new Daily Kos readers to join us at 10pm Eastern. We strive to nourish community by rounding up some of the site's best, funniest, most mojo'd & most informative commentary, and we depend on your help!! If you see a comment by another Kossack that deserves wider recognition, please send it either to topcomments at gmail or to the Top Comments group mailbox by 9:30pm Eastern. Please please please include a few words about why you sent it in as well as your user name (even if you think we know it already :-)), so we can credit you with the find!
Brillig's ObDisclaimer: The decision to publish each nomination lies with the evening's Diarist and/or Comment Formatter. My evenings at the helm, I try reeeeallllyy hard to publish everything without regard to content. I really do, even when I disagree personally with any given nomination. "TopCommentness" lies in the eyes of the nominator and of you, the reader - I leave the decision to you. I do not publish self-nominations (ie your own comments) and if I ruled the world, we'd all build community, supporting and uplifting instead of tearing our fellow Kossacks down. Please remember that comment inclusion in Top Comments does not constitute support or endorsement by diarist, formatter, Top Comments writers or DailyKos. Questions, complaints or comments? Contact brillig.
We had no nominations for tonight’s diary
Top Mojo for yesterday (Wednesday), July 19th 2023, first comments and tip jars excluded. Thank you mik for the mojo magic! For those of you interested in How Top Mojo Works, please see his diary on FAQing Top Mojo.
Top Pictures for yesterday (Wednesday), July 19th 2023. Click any picture to be taken to the full comment or picture. Thank you to the wonderful dKos staff who made it possible to continue this feature in memory of jotter!