This is not a drill, Glenn. This is real life, Governor. They may not look like you, Mr. Youngkin, but these kids are dying, Dad.
When it comes to the existence of anybody who hasn’t pledged their allegiance to the GOP Governor of Virginia – what existence? He’s not just erasing history here, he’s making a pretty solid attempt at erasing humans.
Today, in a quiet and slithery move, the Youngkin administration removed resources on our state health websites aimed at helping our LGBTQ+ youth – including suicide prevention.
And according to the Washington Post, he’s done it three times so far this year – how long do you have to do something to start to create a habit? I read it takes about two months. How many of the same items equate to a collection? I already knew that one. I’m a collector. It’s three.
So our Governor now has a habit — or is at the risk of developing one — of collecting affronts toward LGBTQ+ kids and other humans.
Jenna Portnoy, July 6, 2023 — Washington Post
“The LGBTQ+ rights group Equality Virginia called taking down the resources “craven and politically motivated.”
“This is part of a pattern with this administration, where it’s more important to appeal to an anti-LGBTQ+ political base rather than serve LGBTQ+ Virginians in any capacity,” Narissa Rahaman, executive director of Equality Virginia, said in a statement.
Washington Post
Read on. Even cisgender white dudes got a draconian dose of his tyranny this week.
His lack of action on another item affected Cisgender men (and likely bum-loads of them Republican) by eliminating their access to online porn websites like Pornhub in Virginia. I chuckle but I fear for the unknown fallout. Like yikes.
And the other humans affected, oh just women who might need to seek resources on abortion, sexual health, and pregnancy. No big deal to Dad Youngkin.
Let’s get back to the LGBTQ+ teens losing access to ANY resources because that’s what’s really got my bum chapped today.
My cisgender 17-year-old son has a long-time friend who is a 17-year-old trans female living in unthinkable conditions. Her single-parent mom is grossly unsupportive. There are two younger children in the house (which they recently moved into.) They lived in a hotel for a long time.
An activist friend and I got involved in the teen’s situation last year. We had recordings of the extreme verbal abuse as well as text messages from the teen documenting her living conditions. She was denying herself food so the younger kids could eat. My friend (she’d be yours if you knew her) bought and delivered groceries to the hotel anonymously and in a way that wouldn’t get the teen into trouble. We called CPS. We did what you’d think the Governor himself would call the Christian and legal things to do. Ok. It didn’t work. And even though this family now has a home through Sec. 8, life has not improved for this young lady.
I have screenshots of her pleas and a general description of her mental state that would shatter your heart. It makes me want to tell the kid to run away, but that’s illegal. Kidnapping her is also (obviously) illegal. She turns 18 in December, but if you’d read, what I read in her text messages – waiting could mean harm to herself or even death. So we are going the CPS route AGAIN. Doubt it will work in the new Virginia. It didn’t work last time. But to do nothing… I can’t. I won’t.
(UPDATE: I have been encouraged to begin collecting money for her and we will work together from there to see how we can be most effective while keeping this legal because she’s still a minor. You can donate here:
Our Governor is doing worse than nothing. He is doing everything. Everything a Governor, Man, Dad could do to continue to dismiss the existence of those who aren’t like him.
This is what I’m up against. This is the same political rhetoric of my opponent. They are peas in a red vest on every pea-snapping political point and we are terrified in my district.
This coastal red district area – now the newly drawn 99th District, has been flipped and can be flipped again. Like really, we have a fighting chance here. Charles Gaba is all over helping candidates in these pretty possible races. We just need to have the fight in us. And I do. I know what’s on the line.
There are “moderate” (cringe) voters in my district that reject this evangelical governance. I can win this. I’d be happy to have your help.