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It’s now dawning on me that Indictment Week is the new Infrastructure Week. Except that the indictments are actually happening.
I guess the infrastructure finally happened, too. But like Indictment Week, it required electing Joe Biden to get it done.
Greg Dworkin will be here to help us round up the weekend’s happenings and tee up the rest of the week.
And speaking of the rest of the week, longtime listeners can join me in the bittersweet recognition that this is the last week at home for Boy-Who-Frequently-Almost-Misses-the-Bus!
This Saturday, he becomes College Boy Number Two!
We’re not done worrying about whether he made it to school on time, of course. Only now, we won’t know right away, plus we’ll be paying for it.
And if 9 am Eastern isn’t your thing, click on through, below, and see all the other ways you can find podcast versions of our daily live stream.
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