This post originally appeared on my blog, The Urban Curmudgeon, on August 13, 2023.
I watched Governor Doug Burnham this weekend and boy do I pity the people of whatever state it is he runs. This guy is a low-grade moron. George Stephanopoulos asked him a simple question about Donald Trump, the front runner in the GOP primary race. His reply referenced Joe Biden. This moron doesn’t even understand what election race he’s in. He thinks he’s running against Joe Biden. He will never, in any world any of us inhabit, get a shot at Biden. He will never make any impression in his feeble attempt to unseat Trump. If he can’t answer a simple, expected question about the front runner in his race. If he can’t complete this simple task, he will never be able to do any of the jobs necessary to win an election or run a country.
Donald Trump was indicted last week, for among other things, federal felonies that included interfering with Americans right to vote. At the indictment the judge felt called upon to warn Trump against any attempt to intimidate witnesses or anyone involved in the proceedings. We have had trials of major American gangsters where the judges didn’t issue such a warning. But this judge felt it was necessary to warn this defendant, who has displayed more gangster qualities than any Mafia chief I ever heard of, and still Trump did exactly what the judge had warned against. He issued threats on his TV network.
“If you come after me,” he said, “I’ll come after you,” and followed that up with statements about almost everyone involved in any current or potential indictments against him. Which just shows us that Trump is more a gangster than many of our professional crooks.
It also raises the question; will the judge who issued this warning now have Trump arrested for contempt? If not, why not?
Trump’s lawyer, John Lauro, was on every show on television last Sunday. This guy is very sharp, but also the ultimate sleaze. It would be very tough finding Lauro’s soul, which appears to be hidden behind plastic eyes that don’t blink, which probably makes him the right one to represent Trump in this trial. Lauro unctuously asks the American public if they think what President Biden is doing through his Justice Department during an election is fair.
Maybe he should be asking if he thinks it’s fair what Donald Trump did to try to grab an election he didn’t win.
Minnesota Democrat Dean Phillips is thinking about the possibility of challenging Joe Biden for the Presidency because he likes competition. Competition is fun but this is an election not a swimming meet, and it’s all about winning. If Phillips wants competition, he should hit the bowling alley and roll a few lines. The only thing you want to do with competition in an election is crush it, so maybe instead of exploring an option to get into the Democratic primary, good old Dean should find himself a good Pickle Ball game. In any real world, the interview I witnessed should be the end of his pathetic consideration of a campaign.
A recent poll featured on Face the Nation should give us a real look into the value of polls.
This one arrived at the conclusion that 51% of the people feel that Trump tried to stay in office after the 2020 election by illegal means, but
29% think he tried to stay in office by legal means. Still quoting the poll, 20% of the public think he did not plan to stay in office at all. Really? 20% of those polled didn’t think that Trump planned to stay in office at all. So why all the lies about the rigged election? Why all the attempts to overturn the voting in over 40 states? Why the intimidation of electoral officials and others, and why all the criminal acts that have led to multiple indictments and trials if he didn’t want to remain President?
It’s obvious that this 20% of the indicated poll are either the dumbest voters in the history of elections or this poll is a ridiculous waste of time.
Anthony Salvato, the guy who does polls on CBS just had a whole segment dedicated to this poll and never noticed this discrepancy. Better pay attention Anthony.
For those of you who believe in climate change and understand the urgency of doing something about it, this story will really grind your ulcer.
If you appreciated the work that Biden did on the Infrastructure bill and the Climate bill and can see how the two in combination can do a lot for the country in terms of helping climate problems, creating good paying jobs and lowering our energy costs long term, you will go out of your minds over the work of a group of completely fucked up idiots who are attempting to destroy the series of wind farms the previously mentioned bills have set in motion all along the east coast.
Right now, the target area is off the Jersey shore but if the hit men for the fossil fuel industry are successful there, they will move to destroy the chain of wind farms planned for the entire east coast and you can kiss that huge piece of climate change infrastructure goodbye.
Being originally a Jersey boy myself, I am very much aware of the reputation for stupidity and thick headedness that certain elements in the state convey. Right now, those elements are running amok, blabbering about the destruction of the resort areas being brought about by the wind farms. That’s their story and like most of the nonsense they spit out, it’s pure bullshit. The farms will be 15 miles offshore. That means they will not affect any of the leisure time activities of the hundreds of thousands of vacationers that inhabit the area during summers. Being 15 miles offshore means that they will not even be seen from the beaches. You can’t see 15 miles through the atmosphere we have created from the burning of fossil fuels.
The epicenter of the battle is Ocean City which bills itself as, “America’s greatest family resort.” It’s obvious from their actions that they don’t think of themselves as America greatest intellectual center.
Orsted, a Dutch company, has been approved to build 98 wind towers off the coast of Cape May County that will power half a million homes, which makes them vital to the State reaching its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. Yet this means nothing to Snooky and her friends in Protect Our Coast, a local front for the fossil fuel interests who are fighting over 31 different wind farms projected to run all the way up the East Coast.
In the most hypocritical move not invented by Trump or Cruz, these scumbags are attempting to blame already installed wind farms for the killing of whales. Fossil fuel promoters who have been responsible for thousands of species disappearing from the planet are the last ones who can ever speak to the elimination of a species, but you can’t expect stupid people to understand this, and that’s who are running the local protests.
As a young man, I worked as a lifeguard in the area. It’s a terrific place to vacation and won’t be affected in the least by permanent structures 15 miles offshore that help to clear the air and make the planet a safe place to raise our children. The greedy Royalty of the fossil fuel industry will never agree with this, but that’s because they don’t care if your kids die and the planet burns.