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Happy Monday!
Today should be interesting. And not just because Greg Dworkin will be getting us caught up from the weekend. Though that’s always interesting.
No, today will be marked by… a little roofing repair going on during the show!
We sprang a little leak last week during a heavy downpour, and we were lucky enough to snag a roofer for today.
But wouldn’t you know it? The 2-hour window for them to show up is from 9 to 11 this morning.
And what am I usually doing from 9 to 11 in the morning?
Fortunately, we’ve got some in-house production staff on hand this morning. (By the way, when I say in-house, I’m not kidding! They’re in my house!)
Anyway, even though we’ve got the doorbell covered, you could still hear some… interesting sound effects in the background.
And not just our usual “Midwest diner” ambience! We could get some real clunking, banging and hammering going on, in between previews of upcoming courtroom drama and government shutdowns.
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