This falls under the unfortunately common category of “only in America...only to someone Black”.
Minor (AL) High School coach Johnnie Mims was finishing up leading his band at the end of a football game (like they normally) do, when police ordered them to stop playing. Why this happened is up for discussion, but things got VERY out of hand from there. It did not end well for the coach who was tased multiple times in front of his students and their parents.
Here is a link to the NPR story including the police video of the incident (which Mr. Mims attorney alleges was highly edited by them).…
Big questions: If this is a “normal” activity for bands after the game, WHY were the police so adamant about stopping them, to the point of turning off the stadium lights? Was the band in “hostile territory” (other community that wanted them out, which happened to schools like my alma mater East Orange HS back in the 60’s and 70’s)? Did they REALLY need to tase the coach (and then charge him with obstruction; resisting arrest, etc.)?
Another day, another outrage for Black students and teachers. Sigh.