Soviet-style Communism and Trumpist Republicanism have a lot in common in 2023! They both believe “That Might Makes Right!” and “It’s My Way or the Highway!”
They despise the rule of law because the law should only apply to the unwashed masses.
They also could care less if their policies cause the death of untold millions as long as it doesn't affect them, their families or their buddies. They are truly sociopathic and proud of it!
It’s hard to believe we have a Soviet-style dictatorship on the horizon if a Trumpist ever takes over our government.
The only difference will be that a cancerous, unregulated form of capitalism will take the place of a foolishly centralized economy run by idiots. The bottomline is absolute corruption and the masses suffering from an ever shrinking piece of the economic pie.
We must forever remain vigiliant against a Republican led Communistic dictatorship! Because whether it be a Soviet form of Communism or MAGA form of Communism they both will attempt to crush the human spirit and they must be stopped no matter what!