U.S. ultrarunner Camille Herron involved in Wikipedia controversy - Canadian Running Magazine: Some people are incredibly petty.
The real story behind the iconic 1974 breakfast photo at the National Mall - Washington Post: Sweet story about people trying to be kind to their friend.
NEW LIFE And the New Zombie Disability - by Noah Berlatsky (everythingishorrible.net): Interesting perspective on how Zombie movies are and are not changing since COVID.
Q&A: Filmmaker Scott Frank Doesn't Know What Happens Next (substack.com): I love Hadon’s interviews with other writers and this one is especially interesting.
absinthe makes the heart grow fonder - by Allison Epstein (substack.com): Hilarious, as usual, look at history from Epstein.
The Atlantic Did Me Dirty - Carrie M. Santo-Thomas (substack.com): It is depressing that the Atlantic decided to make a story rather than report a story.
‘I Applied to 2,843 Roles’: The Rise of AI-Powered Job Application Bots (404media.co): This is not going to end well.
Agents are the future AI companies promise — and desperately need - The Verge: Lurking in this story is the question of why anyone would pay for these limited services.
Opinion | Inside the room where they’re controlling Hurricane Milton - The Washington Post: Shhh.
Opinion | The Cyber Sleuth - Washington Post: Nice reminder of how much good public servants do.
The woman who revolutionized the fantasy genre is… (inkl.com): Nice look at someone who doesn’t get enough credit for popularizing SFF.
I'll Miss Myself - Reactor (reactormag.com): Late to this, but a really moving story.
Have a great week, everyone.
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