News Corpse posted this blog with 426 recommends that got to the top of Trending. Clearly the Daily Kos community supported it.
But he got “suspended” for 2 weeks 4 days ago.
He addresses the issue in his website;
UH-OH! News Corpse Has Been Suspended on Daily Kos
Daily Kos has suspended my account because they said my headline was “hyperbolic” and inaccurate. For that they have suspended me for 2 weeks during the most important final days of the presidential election.
This is so frustrating, because they don’t provide any way to appeal or explain their action. So I’m just immediately muzzled, despite my many years as a good faith contributor to the site. The headline on the article in question, and the change made by the site admin, is…
Mine: TYRANT TRUMP Demands that ALL Network TV Licenses Be Revoked and that He Be Declared President
Admin: Trump calls for network broadcast licenses to be revoked and for Democrats to concede election
I suppose the part that they object to is that I said Trump would be declared president. But it’s not much of a distinction from demanding that Harris concede. What would then be the result, other than Trump being de facto declared the winner?
In the meantime, I hope you all continue to enjoy and benefit from my work to advance progressive causes and candidates, and revealing the dishonesty of right-wing media. And now, on to elect Kamala Harris and every other Democrat running this year.
I am a big fan of his posts because I believe that Fox News is the backbone of the MAGA cult and we need to counter everything they do as much as possible. I could not hang out there like he does. It would drive me crazy.
The way to handle something like a title with a community member that over 13 years has posted about 4,000 stories should be with an exchange of opinions via email or phone or Zoom.
I have been suspended twice for a couple of days in my 20 years here. IMO it made some sense to do so. But this suspension of News Corpse doesn't.
I suggest that News Corpse be un-suspended quickly.
What do you think?