I’ve always thought that journalists, whether they’re writing or talking, are supposed to be “wordsmiths” because words are what they do for a living. However, recently I have noticed that they have, way too often, been giving TFG a pass on his lies by calling them misinformation. Don’t these folks, these supposed word experts, know the difference between misinfomration and disinformation?
Apparently, these words need to be clarified. Misinformation are things said by mistake and are not intended to deceive or hurt anyone, such as when Tim Walz said he was in China during the Tiananmen Square catastrophe. Because he made so many trips to China, he was confused about the dates. He didn’t inentionally lie, he just made a mistake that caused no one any harm, for which he duly apologized.
On the other hand, disinformation are things said that are blatantly false, knowlingly said by someone who is intentionally trying to deceive, and possibly hurt, people; aka, LIES! This is the lane that TFG travels in virtually everytime his lips move!
It’s time that the talking and writing heads start using the correct words to describe the vomit that constantly flows from TFG’s tiny mouth. He shouldn’t be allowed to continue to lie with impunity!