The October surprise I’ve been waiting for has been one of the two major party candidates for POTUS totally melting down mentally and physically with cameras rolling. Guess which one it is?
Somnambulating to the oldies is a daring style choice, But it doesn’t seem to be resonating with the kids these days.
That is not the kind of headline you want about your candidate three weeks before the election. But that is the dominant meme of the day.
But I guess it’s better than this…
The Donald appears to finally reached his Adderall culmination point. Sleep deprivation, combined with fear of incarceration and inherent psychological disorder is resulting in an existential crisis.
There is an old saying among campaign managers, “In October, you kill the candidate.” Meaning, down the stretch you overbook them to the point of death and hope they survive a win or die trying. This old sociopath is on the gurney with IV fluids pumping.
The XPOTUS is bailing on reliable conservative hosts like Joe Kernan because he is panicking at the thought of… thoughts. Probably wise since when he does show up he chucks up word salads with MAGA cheese dressing like today’s meltdown with Bloomberg News.
It’s tough to insult Bloomberg’s editor-n-chief, the Wall St Journal and the entire Economic Club of Chicago in one breath but It did.
TFG is having a severe mental and physical breakdown before our eyes. It will get worse. I plan to enjoy every minute of it.
When you’ve lost the KKK … what can I say?