Josh Marshall at TPM has a late night post up titled First Hints. Meaning first hints at the kind of people Trump wants in his administration, Josh is not impressed with Trump’s selections. They are not fire breathing MAGAS. They are servile toady loyalists. For Trump, loyalty trumps competence from the lowest dog catcher all the way to the top positions. Think about what that means for what's going to happen in this administration... Do not expect competent execution of whatever agenda Trump has in mind. There’s going to be exploitable leaks and screwups all over the Trump administration. Rakes will be stepped on, balls will be dropped, and fumbles unrecovered. There will be a multitude of incidents and accidents carrying a sign saying: insert monkey wrench here.
Here is Josh’s description of Marco Rubio:
“Marco Rubio is less a hardliner than a thin and insubstantial slice of soap. What he is mostly is servile, soft. At least in these positions that seems to be what Trump wants – people who’ve already been broken in.”
Rubio and the others are not going to act independently, They will come when called and do what they are told. Rubio particularly is going to have a problem if he has to give up his job as Senator from Florida. Josh give him about a year in the Trump administration after which I suspect he will find a ghost writer and do an expose’ of the Trump administration from an “insider”
Here is a link to the First Hints post: