Trevor Noah says it all, says it better and says it truthfully about Black women like no one else can, so that’s why I started this diary with that clip. It’s worth seeing the whole spech when you have a chance. It’ll give you some insight into some of the reasons Black women vote the way we do (and it’s NOT because we’re necessarily so enamored with Democrats!!)
If you got tender eyes (and ears), don’t read this diary. I’mma try to contain the cuss words, but I don’t know how successful I’ll be.
If you’re a white person who has listened to and believed ANY pundit’s “post-election analysis” where the effect of MVP Harris’ race and gender was not part of said “analysis,” don’t bother reading this diary because you sound like the white liberal friends Dr. King warned us about (and no, I’m not providing no link-do yourself a favor and look it up. While you’re at it, read King’s “Letter From A Birmingham Jail”).
If you’re buying the pundits’ “Dems do too much identity politics” bullshit, skip this diary. Because you know whose campaign was literally ALL about “identity politics?” Drumpf’s!!! It’s just that folks who look like me and other people of color and have a uterus were just the wrong identity.
Black women led the way in supporting, donating, and working our asses off to get MVP Harris elected in the 100 days after Dems forced President Biden out of the race. Let me remind you “Biden shoulda gotten out sooner” folks that LBJ opted not to seek reelection in March of ‘68 (primarily due to the Vietnam War), but Dem infighting and the historically difficult challenge of a sitting VP winning the Presidency after his unpopular sitting President doomed Hubert Humphrey from the start. (In addition to the whole dynamic of civic unrest and the disasterous Convention that year).
I’m seeing shades of that same shit today with this Dem blame-game going on. (And MISS me with your “we’re just offering constructive criticism,” “Dem leadership don’t know how to talk to the working class,” “Dems don’t listen” blah, blah, blah. How come Black women can somehow hear loud and clear when the majority of us are working class-I’m a semi-retired nurse-for instance- living in the Midwest)? “We’re not “coastal liberal elites.”
But we are WOKE!! We can’t afford to sleep on these racist, sexist MAGA M’frs-or on the Repubs who say they’re not that, but are perfectly cool to have a racist, sexist, pig-assed, lawless, wannabe dictator in the White House.
However, don’t think for ONE minute that we’re giving up the fight!
As I said before, we’re disappointed but not a bit surprised that MVP Harris didn’t win in a system that, from its VERY ORIGINS, was set up to keep wealthy white MEN in power. Also not surprised that the white men (white women too-but at least they did better for Kamala than they did for Hillary), who aren’t wealthy fell for that “take back our country” shit from trump. You never lost it bruhs. Folks that look like me and have uteruses just finally gained some ground. And too many of these men like that zero sum game, though.
So I’m done ‘splaining because here’s the thing the “Bros” don’t get: The orange leopard-assed motherfucker is coming for their faces too. Watch. All I’ll have to say then is what Roland Martin said recently on his digital platform, #WETRIEDTOTELLYOU.