There’s enough news elsewhere: we don’t need it at 0-dark-thirty, amirite? Of course, it’s an open thread, so have at it in the comments if you wish.
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I heard my first Holiday-with-a-capital-H song at Target last Thursday. You know, the one that goes “Oh the weather outside is frightful blah blah blah let it snow” etc. During the first real snowstorm of the year.
Anyway, I’m not going to inflict Holiday songs on you — we all get quite enough of that just living. So today I offer you a miscellany, and hope you’ll enjoy it.
Sarah Millican: The Best of “Thoroughly Modern Millican”
Morning Open Thread is a daily, copyrighted post from a host of editors and guest writers. We support our community, invite and share ideas, and encourage thoughtful, respectful dialogue in an open forum.
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Editor’s Note: Morning Open Thread is looking for community members willing to take on hosting duties—whether it’s a day here and there or a regular weekly post: Saturdays and Tuesdays are open. If you’re interested, just reach out to P or Officebss. And thank you.
7 Times Larry the Cat Caused Mischief
Cherry Bakewell Steamed Pudding
(Note: “cornflour” is Britspeak for cornstarch)
SNL: American Girl Doll Movie Trailer
Porter/Stout Cake
Recipe is in the YouTube description.
Happy Humpday!