Yes, you heard that right. Trump thinks that White people are the ones who have been oppressed in this country and he plans to gear up the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ to sue colleges and universities to get repayment (reparations) for what has been dastardly taken from White People.
As part of his Agenda 47 Trump posted his own video for his plan to take the “DEI and Woke Ideology” out of our Universities. [You can see the video — which is on Trump’s own site — through the link or on Rumble.]
This is the transcript.
Agenda47: Protecting Students from the Radical Left and Marxist Maniacs Infecting Educational Institutions
July 17, 2023
For many years, tuition costs at colleges and universities have been exploding, and I mean absolutely exploding while academics have been obsessed with indoctrinating America's youth. The time has come to reclaim our once great educational institutions from the radical Left, and we will do that.
Our secret weapon will be the college accreditation system. It's called accreditation for a reason.
The accreditors are supposed to ensure that schools are not ripping off students and taxpayers, but they have failed totally.
Yes, he really said that shit with a straight face.
When I return to the White House, I will fire the radical Left accreditors that have allowed our colleges to become dominated by Marxist Maniacs and lunatics.
We will then accept applications for new accreditors who will impose real standards on colleges once again and once and for all.
These standards will include defending the American tradition and Western civilization,
What exactly does he mean by “American Tradition?” You guys do know what used to happen in American colleges right? It’s the reason we have HBCUs.
...protecting free speech, [From who?} eliminating wasteful administrative positions that drive up costs incredibly, removing all Marxist diversity, equity, and inclusion bureaucrats, offering options for accelerated and low-cost degrees, providing meaningful job placement and career services, and implementing college entrance and exit exams to prove that students are actually learning and getting their money's worth.
What makes him think these schools don’t already have job placement and career services?
Furthermore, I will direct the Department of Justice to pursue federal civil rights cases against schools that continue to engage in racial discrimination.
Oh really, well that would a welcome change of pace wouldn’t it? Aren’t they supposed to be already doing that? Oh wait, he doesn’t mean what we think.
And schools that persist in explicit unlawful discrimination under the guise of equity will not only have their endowment taxed, but through budget reconciliation, I will advance a measure to have them fined up to the entire amount of their endowment.
Schools that do what now? “persist in explicit unlawful discrimination under the guise of EQUITY!??”
Does he not know what Equity iS?
That would be fairness. That would be making sure that there isn’t any bigotry happening actively or passively through the network of connections that already exist for helping people get into school (such as legacy admissions) and to be hired in the faculty and administration. If you’re. not already part of the club, you can’t get into the club. Even without deliberate discrimination — there is inertia due to decades and centuries of Past Discrimination. The inertia carries the past forward into the present, it doesn’t stop unless take steps to make it stop.
A portion of the seized funds will then be used as restitution for victims of these illegal and unjust policies, policies that hurt our country so badly. Colleges have gotten hundreds of billions of dollars from hard-working taxpayers and now we are going to get this anti-American insanity out of our institutions once and for all.
We are going to have real education in America.
Basically, he’s presuming that every POC and woman who gained a faculty job at every college in the country is unqualified and got an undeserved “Hand Out” due to “DEI.” And he’s going to fire them, sue the school and then go find some White Man he thinks should have had their job and give them both the job and the money.
This isn’t the worst thing he plans to do — but it’s pretty fucked up.