Jon Stewart is angry. He’s also tired of Democratic lawmakers’ reliance on “norms.”
On Monday night’s “The Daily Show,” he laid into the Democratic Party for not exploiting the same kinds of loopholes the Republican Party has used to control our government.
Stewart pointed out that Donald Trump’s newest demand to circumvent background checks and the confirmation process for Cabinet picks is just the latest example of the GOP taking advantage of our country’s laws in ways that create an uneven playing field.
"I've said it before, and I'll say it again,” Stewart said. “Republicans are playing chess, and the Democrats are in the nurse's office because they glued their balls to their thigh.”
Stewart cited former Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s refusal to hold a confirmation vote for President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, followed by McConnell’s fast track confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett in 2020.
"What government actually is, is an overly complicated Byzantine bureaucratic maze of rules, loopholes to those rules, and norms complex enough that if you want to find a rule that keeps you from doing something, you'll find it,” Stewart explained. “And if you actually want to do something, you can find a loophole to get around said rule. And then the 'norms' are just how often you've had to pull any of this shit."
"You guys, be the loophole guys that figure out how to get shit done because they don't give a fuck about your norms," Stewart continued. "Now Trump has the House, Senate, presidency, and judiciary. So it's going to get harder, not easier. Democrats are going to have to forcefully play the loopholes.”
Democrats are certainly preparing for the fight. There are moves being made by the Biden administration to safeguard important progress, and there are lawmakers like Sen. Elizabeth Warren and California Gov. Gavin Newsom who are preparing resistance against the next Trump administration.
Additionally, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker and Colorado Gov. Jared Polis have created the pro-democracy organization Governors Safeguarding Democracy specifically to fight Trump. Other lawmakers have already said that their states will fight against any mass deportations that Trump tries.
But Stewart isn’t wrong. This election was about saving our democracy, and the resistance against tyranny demands we act like it.