Yes, there will be plenty of blame to go around for 2024 and quite a lot of head scratching in relation to the totally unexpected low turnout. But, after the finger pointing, there needs to be some serious adjustments made; here's a couple that I'll toss out there for consideration:
1 - Please fire all of your digital marketers - I think I received in excess of 10,000 texts after opting out of receiving texts (almost all of them asking for money). This is not just annoying - it literally turns people off. Using texts should be reserved for reinforcing key messaging themes, not badgering voters for cash.
2 - Please fire the consultants who came up with The Campaign of Joy. I could go on for awhile about how dumb that was but I won't, it is self-evident. This more or less forced Harris to wait until the last 2 weeks to get the messaging right and that just wasn't enough time.
3 - Stop Riding the Fence & Being "Careful" - It's ok for the Left to be the Left and the Right to be the Right. At this point though everyone is somewhat confused as to which is which with working class folks thinking Trump is on their side. That could only happen by ignoring the number 1 Democratic strength - Economic Populism. That focus should always be the primary foundation for the party.
4 - Lastly, fire your Digital Strategists - ignoring the Social Media opportunities and especially the flood of right-wing content in Spanish was mind-bogglingly incompetent.