On Wednesday, the New York Times ran a story titled, Far-Right Militias Seek Role in Trump Deportation Plan. It began:
A few days after the election, William Teer, who runs the Texas Three Percenters, a local far-right militia group, wrote to President-elect Donald J. Trump with an offer: His organization could help Mr. Trump carry out his plan to deport millions of people who are in the United States illegally.
In his offer, Teer explained himself;
“In support of our nation’s commitments to lawful immigration practices, I wanted to extend my willingness to assist, in cooperation with local law enforcement and community programs, to promote the safety and security of our state. I am available for further discussion.”
Reading this, it is impossible not to think of Hitler and his Sturmabteilung (aka SA, Storm Troopers, and Brown Shirts). Some optimists might suggest that 2020s America — with its pluralistic society and multiple power centers in the various states — is not 1930s Germany. And MAGA is not NAZI. I hope they’re right. However, even if circumstances do preclude a nationalist power grab, the desire for it is self-evident among the toxic extremists marinating in the acid of their virulent jingoism.
This is not the first time a self-appointed, untrained, extra-judicial militia has offered to do a federal law enforcement job. As early as 2015, as Trump launched his initial assault on decency and democracy, his rise to power was celebrated by American extremists. They promised to work hand in glove with the incoming administration in ‘solving’ a non-existent crisis.
In the 1930s, Nazis rallied both the dyed-in-the-wool uber-nationalists and the larger number of easily-terrified citizens into a political bloc, eager for their own oppression, by demonizing the Jews.
In 21st-century America, the wannabe dictator and his crew have turned the base’s hate to fear of brown-skinned foreigners. To people eager to think the sky is falling, the men and women who pick their produce, pack their meat, clean their hotel rooms, build their houses, and mow their lawns are Spanish-speaking Jihadists bent on murder and moonlighting as rapists
Trump is a fan of mindless violence. To him, some Neo-Nazis wete “very fine people.” And he advised militias to “stand back and stand by”. The message to the fringe was clear. Now, with the return of malevolence to the seat of power, they are ready to live their fantasy.
Teer is not alone. The NYT article goes on to say:
“Richard Mack, the founder of a group of hard-right sheriffs, said on television last week that if members of his organization assisted with the initiative, it would make it “a lot easier and a lot cheaper and a lot more effective.” And last month, members of other militia-style groups also volunteered their services, with some discussing in private group chats their desire to get involved.”
In Trump’s first term, these militias stayed close to the border and their numbers remained small. At the dawn of the second term, the dynamic has changed. There are no pro-rule of law independent minds — no General Kelly or the like — ready to argue against the madness.
On the surface, the official line remains the same. The incoming administration says it has no plans to call on the militias for help. However, it is axiomatic in Trumpworld that whatever spokespeople say, the truth is something else. And Trump’s immigration czar came closer to future teality
Last month, Tom Homan, a former immigration official hired to execute Trump’s round-up and expulsion promise, welcomed the idea of using ‘nontraditional personnel’ (aka paramilitary thugs) to carry out the plan.
The NYT reports:
In an
interview with Fox News, Mr. Homan spoke admiringly of the messages he received from “thousands of retired border patrol agents, retired military, that want to come in and volunteer to help this president secure the border and do this deportation operation.”
The thought of all these gung-ho, 2A enthusiasts performing some fly-by-night law and order on non-citizens is scary enough. But where’s the protection against mission creep? Will American history reflect an update on Martin Niemöller’s famous words?
First, it was the immigrants. Then it was brown skin and Hispanic accents. Next, names ending in ‘ez’ were sufficient grounds for interrogation and detention. Lastly, everyone was asked for their papers — heaven forbid there was a mistake in the record keeping. It happens.
Take the ‘no fly’ list. This was an anti-terrorism measure happily embraced by the fearful. Then a Kennedy was flagged.
The perilous extent of Trump's plans are far wider than the average MAGA understands. He has already announced he will declare a national emergency to lower the barriers to government overreach. Where does it stop?