Welcome to the Street Prophets Coffee Hour cleverly hidden at the intersection of religion, art, science, food, and politics. This is an open thread where we can share our thoughts and comments about the day. Let’s talk about graffiti.
First of all, the word graffiti came into English in 1851 from Italian when it was used to describe scribblings found on the walls of the ancient Roman city of Pompei. In 1877, the meaning of graffiti was extended to include recent drawings and scribblings in public places.
While the English word graffiti is fairly recent, the actual practice of making graffiti is ancient and example can be found in ancient Rome and Egypt. At the present time, however, graffiti can be controversial—is it vandalism or is it a form of street art, an expression of underground and oppressed cultures. In most cases, however, graffiti is illegal.
Shown below are some examples of graffiti. These photographs were taken from a moving car.
Open Thread
This is an open thread—all topics are welcome.