After reading and subscribing to the NY Times since first arriving in New York back in the late 70’s, today I cancelled my subscription. I thought Joseph Kahn their executive editor should know why. Here’s my letter to him:
Joseph Kahn, Executive Editor
620 Eighth Ave.
DearMr. Kahn:
I’ve been a NY Times reader and subscriber for over 4 decades.
Today I cancelled that subscription.
I hung in there with the Times when you aided and abetted via Judith Miller, Bush Junior’s war based on lies.
I hung in there when you reported that tRump’s campaign had no collusion with Moscow when it was clearly proven that was not the case. While at the same time you excoriated Hillary Clinton over and over with GOP framing on the absurd email “scandal.”
I hung in there while you normalized a charlatan, a conman who anyone paying attention knew was deranged narcissist; a fact that the crack journalists at the esteemed NY Times obviously missed.
I hung in there when you helped tank the Clinton campaign in 2016 with 5-alarm total front page coverage over the fold of James Comey’s scurrilous and totally bogus attack 11 days before the election, taking the GOP bait like a cat chasing a laser light across the floor. Shameless journalistic malfeasance.
I’ve hung in there for endless reports on the wisdom of the diner denizens of East Cowpie, Ohio. As if the only opinions of Americans that ever matter are the people who’ve never been further from home than the zip code where they were born.
And now here you are again taking the bait, hook, line and sinker on another blatant GOP hit job. How many columns does it take to tell us that one of the most accomplished presidents in my life time is old; while simultaneously sending out a hack writer to pen an encomium on a adjudicated rapist who tried to over throw the U.S. government?
Apparently NY Times award winning journalism these days is extolling the virility of a man who slathers on more make up than a circus clown. It’s journalism that praises the speeches of a man who can barely form a coherent sentence. Seriously, was this “reporter” in a coma when tRump went on four times confusing Niki Haley with Nancy Pelosi? Or when he claimed he’d be happy to sic Putin on our European allies? Or when he told us to guzzle bleach to cure Covid?
So I’m done with the NY Times. You people obviously don’t get it that when you help usher in the Fourth Reich, that you’ll be the first ones to feel the jackboots on your throats. I’d tell you to do better to try to save democracy. But obviously click-bait is more important.