I’m pretty Tired of the “ We the People” brain wash.
How about some counter offensive? Like
LLPH 2024
Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Dems +10
for the Bill of Rights — steal states rights while you are at it
Meme to a Flag Image — Put it in cursive
Beatitude Attitude
(Matt. 5:3–11)
Why do these Fascist Authoritarian sadists get to own the bible????
we let them
How about a Donkey with huge muscles — male and female — Mare and Jenny. How About Jenny the democrat — powerful muscle bound donkey constitution in one hand flag in the other.
Can we please generate some momentum from below..
We need T shirts in pop up ads on browsers. we need more momentum. Let’s stop waiting for “experts” hired by the DNC to call the shots — That didn’t go to well for Clinton…