DON: I need someone to show up to court next week to support me. It looks awful, like all of you don't care.
MELANIA: Vee don't care, Donult. You know I am not kumink to that train wreck. Neffur.
JUNIOR: Dad, I---
DON: What did you call me?
JUNIOR: I'm sorry... Mr. President, Kim and I are leaving for Africa tomorrow to shoot endangered species.
IVANKA: Mr. President, I have the kids and---
DON: You have a nanny. You probably don't even know your kids' names.
IVANKA: Don't be silly. There's Joe, Theodore and... And... It's a girl. Weird name...
DON: I never knew your names, either, especially that other girl.
IVANKA: Arabella!
DON: Sounds like some kind of mushroom.
IVANKA: Anyway, I can't be in New York next week. And your other girl is Tiffany.
DON: Right. Looks like it's you, Eric.
ERIC: Why am I always the one that has to do this crap? It's always, "Get Eric to do it!"
DON: Because you're the dumb one.
ERIC: I'm not dumber than my brother!
JUNIOR: Are too.
ERIC: Am not!
JUNIOR: Are too!
ERIC: Am not!
DON: Shut up you two morons. Eric, be at court Monday morning.
ERIC: Okay, but I'm only coming Monday. Make Don Junior come Tuesday.
JUNIOR: I'll be in Africa shooting rhinos.
DON: Mitt Romney?
JUNIOR: Real rhinos.
ERIC: One day! Just Monday! Make Ivanka do something for a change!
IVANKA: You've always been jealous, Eric, because the president never said he wanted to date you.
ERIC: Shut up!
IVANKA: No, you shut up!
ERIC: No, you shut up!