This is a voting year. Many vendors use funds from their businesses to support Democrat candidates! Please support us and rec this diary. Also, please bookmark the diary for later gift giving!
Arts and Crafts and Homegoods
- asterkitty — Alexandria Levin has a site for her colorful oils and watercolors. Beautiful, strange, and colorful magical realist oil paintings; featuring animals, trees, landscapes, and abstractions. Plus newer watercolors which are mostly of trees and abstractions. She also creates one-of-a kind-beaded glass and stone jewelry. Her Redbubble site has over 200 designs on clothing, stickers, magnets, and more. Along with her published books — here. Drawing out the Muses and Pricing your Artwork with Confidence, along with a volume of poetry.
Sunflower Quilt
- Beadlady has top quality homemade quilts in her Quilts Unique Etsy Store. 25 quilts just added in August! In time for holiday gifts. Handmade from start to finish with top grade cottons.
- CathyM's Etsy shop has handmade jewelry, Xmas patchwork stockings and cat, dog and chicken themed items, vintage patterns, aprons, t-shirts, and tote bags, some using her own designed fabric - which you can find over at Spoonflower. She has also written many books. Newest one “The Dream Hunt” can be found here at her website.
David Bowman
- David M Bowman is a shop for patinaed brass metalwork -- candlesticks, Menorahs, vases, clocks, jewelry and more...this is a father/son family business. They also have an Etsy site here. Run by Kossacks rcbowman and dabu
- Goto Great Panes Etsy shop for small gift
Great Panes
items run by Kossack Murphoney.
- Iamacat has different items for sale as Cats and kats. Etsy: polymer clay beads. RedBubble: Cat stickers and other items. Zassie: Various ceramic and paper items.
CatMats are little quilts with catnip strewn all through the batting. Large size is about 15x21, good for lounging on. Medium is about 9×13, a good size for tucking in the carrier to make that car ride more enjoyable. Small mats are variable in size, intended for playing. If your cat likes catnip, they will love their CatMat! Made by strawbale. Scroll down the webpage to order.
- Wings: NDN Silver Beautiful Native American silver work -- and more, by Kossack Aji ...... THIS IS OUR STORY
Books and other writings
- akmk Crystal Images Photography and Publishing, carries Alaska/Yukon/Arctic photo books.
AKMK book on Alaska
- Chloris Creator has written several novels; from Jane Austen Fan Fiction (murder mysteries), to novels based on Greek mythology (stories of Jocasta, Antigone, Clytemnestra and Niobe), and even a book about writing fiction. Her Amazon listings.
Debtor’s Prison
Longtime Kossack DebtorsPrison posts regularly about books on Daily KOS: Nonfiction Views book review diary runs every Tuesday evening at 10pm EDT, 7pm PDT (9pm EST when the clocks fall back.) He posts a weekly curated list of new books of interest to BIPOC readers, as a comment in Tuesday afternoon’s Black Kos diary. He also runs a brick and mortar bookshop in Sedona, AZ and an online shop: TheLiterate Lizard Online Bookstore. 15%Off discount to Kossacks; just use the coupon code DAILYKOS in checkout.
- Ellid's writing has been published a number of times. Click the link to find details on her scholarly work about Medieval clothing and antique quilts -- and, under another name, some erotica! Kossack Ellid
ericlewise book
- ericlewis0 has a book out, Garbage Flowers, which shows you how to recycle "trash" into flowers and bouquets. Create beauty from the contents of your junk drawer!
- James Craig Photography offers a limited edition book of fine, B&W photos taken on Easter Island during a year's sojourn there, "The Moon has been Eaten". This is a perfect gift for lovers of exotic locales and fine art photography, and other books are also available. Author is Kossack qua.
Kelly McCullough
- Kelly McCullough (kossack KMc) writes science fiction and fantasy for adults and children. Two series from ACE (Penguin Random House) books WebMage and Fallen Blade are aimed at adult readers. And School For Sidekicks and Magic, Madness and Mischief are middle grade published by Feiwel and Friends (Macmillan).
- Kevvboy In Georgia Bottoms, Mark Childress proves once again his unmistakable skill for combining the hilarious and the absurd to reveal the inner workings of the rebellious human heart. His newest is One Missisippi.
- Matt Z (Matt Zimmer) has a Free Online Comic on his website "Gilda And Meek And The Un-Iverse". It costs nothing but time well spent:…
Mercy Ormont book
- Mercy Ormont has a new book The Fugitive Princess out on Amazon. The Fugitive Princess is a cross between Fantasy, Science Fiction, and a family saga, and has a mystery to be solved if the reader is so incline
- mHainds has a 5 star rated book out, Border Walk, about a journey along the Mexico border.
Old 60’s Radical
Book Publisher
- Pisgah Press — owned by NC Doug at Kos. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, memoir, mystery (including the new "Bob & Marcus" gay detective series by H.N. Hirsch), and some youth and kid lit.
Childrens Department
- Twelve Days of Christmas is a Christmas-themed card strategy game suitable for kids 12+. What a stocking stuffer! Kossack Shakludanto says, "It's simple enough for family fun, but game geek tested!"
ACA Pillow!
Craft Supplies
Fine Art — Painting, Drawing, Digital Art, Photography, Sculpture
Art by Michele Wilson
- Art by Michele Wilson is where you will find michelewln's imaginative fantasy art. Find something romantic for your wall here! Don't miss Michele's extraordinary photos -- you will find them here.
- David Woodward Gallery is the place for watercolor fine art -- landscapes, custom portraits, and pet portraits are available. Kossack DavidW is the artist.
David Woodward Gallery
- Deviant Arts is BobX's page where you will find select fine art prints for sale. If you see something you want but is not available let him know and he'll make it so.
Deviant Arts
- elenacarlena draws designs to order! For wall art or to be placed on shirts, mugs, calendars, or any other items available at either her Teepublic or Zazzle shop. You can ask her to design a cartoon just for you, caricatures of you, your family, friends, or pets! Or ask for a reproduction of her cartoons as seen in Breaking Pawlitics, Aminal Nooz, and Les Beastiables. Just contact her here with a KosMessage.
Hawaii Loves Art
- Hawaii Loves Art is a shop with lovely, tropical batik and digital art inspired by the islands of Hawaii -- by Kossack Msongs
- jtg offers fine art James Thomas Green Art. From cats to golfers, the art is varied and colorful. He is also a Freelancer Graphic Design; contact him through James G. You can get his designs on everything from tank tops to hoodies and more at his TeePublic site.
- Inner Planet Artworks is where you can find the imaginative pen and ink drawings of Kossack wino -- amazing work!
Inner Planet Artworks
James Craig Photography
- James Craig Photography has fine art B&W Photography with a book coming out "The Moon has been Eaten" – Images from a Year on Easter Island. This is a perfect gift for lovers of exotic locales and fine art photography, and other books are also available. Author is Kossack qua.
Liv Rainey Smith
- Lyne Art is where you can find the fine art of Kossack dot farmer and his wife. Contact them through the website to enquire about purchasing their lovely work.
- mamajo2k runs The Heritage Photo Shoppe: where family history & photos meet digital scrapbooking. Turning old family photos into Heritage Photos, identifying relatives and ancestors for yourself and preserving family history for the next generation, and generations to come. Kosmail her for more information. More information in this diary.
Upwards Downsville by Morgansmom
- morgansmom and her son do gorgeous digital art. Right now they’re trying to raise money to fix their car. Website on Ko-fi.
- Naomi Duffey makes porcelain and porcelain/mixed media sculptures, up to 22 inches in size. You can see a sampling of her work in this video. She'd be glad to discuss her work with you by kosmail, or at her email, (If you email her, please use “Artwork” for your subject line so you don't get thrown out with the spam!)
- Wings: NDN Silver Exquisite Native American silver jewelry by Kossack Aji’s husband, Wings -- the beautiful spirit in this jewelry is palpable. Treat yourself or someone you love! THIS IS OUR STORY. NDN Silver s not just for jewelry -- Wings also is an art photographer! Use the Contact for on Wings’ website to inquire about purchase. Must see Native American workmanship!!!!!
Princess Leia’s necklace
- Kossack Satine makes handmade replicas (her own design) of Princess Leia's necklace that she wears in the final "medal ceremony" scene of Star Wars: A New Hope. Her Etsy website is lapinkrouge.
Mt. Airy Bikes
College Park Bicycles and Mt. Airy Bicycles, two bicycle stores in Maryland, are run by Kossack Lujane. Mt. Airy Bicycles specializes in tandems and recumbent bikes and trikes. Healthy transportation!
- Rump Roaster offers protest-legal sign posts, as well as political, humorous, and motivational buttons. “I am very pleased with my latest sign post design, and hope more people will like it. It is much easier to use than the standard duct-tape to a mailing tube variety, and accepts standard 22 x 28" posterboard.” Check out his Etsy shop Iridescent Feather.
Rump Roaster
Music, CDs, DVDs
Crashing Vor’s music
- critton hollow is the Web site of Kossack Joealan, selling CDs of both vocal and instrumental traditional American music.
- is a website where you can find music by Kossack PianoGuy, including a musical in progress, "Iron and Gold", about robber baron Jay Gould and labor leader Martin Irons.
Vetwife Album
- Vetwife has an album on iTunes and Spotify and Amazon; the Album is called Hey by Amanda Kato, and all proceeds go to help needy veterans and their families. Just 99 cents per song. What a talent! Check it out!
- mamajo2k runs The Heritage PhotoShoppe Where Family History & Photos meet digital scrapbooking. Turning old familyphotos into Heritage Photos, identifying relatives and ancestors for yourselfand preserving family history for the next generation, and generations to come. Kosmail her for more information. More information in this diary.
- Oye Sancho is a bookkeeper and accountant. "I offer professional-level bookkeeping and accounting services. I'm based in the San Francisco Bay Area but can work remotely for clients anywhere. Potential clients can contact me via a DK message."
- rubyr has twenty-five years experience copy editing, fact-checking, researching and proofreading for international law firms and pharmaceutical/medical education advertising agencies in New York City. She can work for you via the Internet, in a timely fashion, on jobs sent from anywhere in the world. Kos mail her for more info and rates.
- A Dkos member who has been a Marriage, Family Therapist for 27 years. She lives in Santa Cruz, CA, but can do virtual appointments or phone calls. Dkos member VeganPlanet
Software and Webdesign
Dovetail Designs
- 2thanks: William and his wife, Beth, write, edit, create graphic designs, and maintain web pages. Beth creates beautiful logos, banners, restaurant menus, etc. Please kosmail 2thanks if you need any of these services, or contact Beth directly at Dovetail Designs.
- citisven specializes in helping small businesses, organizations and individuals set up WordPress websites that are quickly designed, affordable, and easily editable and navigable by the client upon launch. Contact him and get connected!
Moonlight Design Studios
- Moonlight Design Studio does graphic and web design for small businesses with an emphasis on community. Kossack baspringer runs it and has written about some of her work for Small Towns Wisconsin here.
Vendor listings are foractive members of Dkos. Commented at least once within the last two years and/or a subscriber to Dkos. If you are an active DKos member and wish to be listed as a vendor, please DM your website and DKos profile links to Beadlady or CathyM. As a current active member vendor, if you have a new book, new items, etc., you would like to list, also DM Beadlady or CathyM with your new information.