I am Canadian. Born in Canada, live in Canada.
I do have American ancestry going back to colonial Virginia. My middle name is the surname of a greatx10 grandfather or uncle who apparently fought in the Continental Army, my grandparents were married in Tennessee (and Granny is buried there), and my father — like Ted Cruz — was born in Canada to an American mother.
But my only citizenship is Canadian. Not only is it against the law for me to vote in an American federal election, it is also against the law for me to help fund an American election campaign… and if it is against the law for me to send money to American political parties, it would be equally against the law for one of those parties to reach out and ask me to contribute.
But ask-me-to-contribute is exactly what Lara Trump did today in an e-mail that begins .
I''m reaching out personally patriot, I wanted you to hear this directly from me.
She’s reaching out to me…. personally
ME! A foreigner!
Activate your Bonus IMPACT OFFER ASAP with a contribution of $35
She is making a personal request to a non-citizen to help fund an election campaign to remove American incumbents from the elected office they currently occupy.
WAIT UNTIL FOX NEWS GETS AHOLD OF THIS!!!! Heads will certainly roll at the RNC. And YOU heard this breaking news FIRST at Daily Kos