I have tried not to get involved in this grave miscarriage of justice but this is beginning to become unbearable. This man lied his way into the white house and is a known con man who has cheated everyone that has ever been associated with him, he has allowed people who fell for his lies to be imprisoned yet he still collects money from their families. I am tired of hearing from judges who are doing everything they can to free him, just like he keeps saying his trials should never happen in America, he is right he should have never had a trial he should have went straight to jail. Again I say people ask where is god? he is alive and well and he trying to show you the difference between good and evil. It just came out in the news today that he had a meeting with some major oil companies and ask for 1 billion dollars to take care of their agenda when he becomes President. If he would do that with them think of what he has promised foreign dictators. He would sell his own mother if the price was right. Those of you who are believers know that God would never put a dollar amount on his word and bibles are free. I will end this by saying I care about the platforms but my main reason for voting in November and I hope you will join me is to see what he will do if he don’t win.