Michael Tomasky confirmed that Trump is a fascist. Yet, Mitt Romney believes that President Biden should have pardoned Donald Trump. Anand Giridharadas points out that the media and politicians give the likes of Trump a pass.
Trump is a fascist.
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In a political landscape fraught with polarization and misinformation, the characterization of Donald Trump as a fascist is not just a hyperbolic epithet but a substantiated claim grounded in his actions, rhetoric, and intentions. Michael Tomasky, editor at The New Republic (TNR), delves deeply into this in TNR’s latest series, providing concrete examples that expose the troubling fascist tendencies of the former president. We need to explore the media’s and politicians’ reluctance to call out Trump’s behavior for what it truly is: fascism. This reluctance is often rooted in a misguided quest for balance, which ultimately undermines the integrity of democratic discourse and the preservation of democratic institutions.
The Case for Calling Trump a Fascist
Donald Trump’s presidency was marked by a series of alarming actions that align closely with the characteristics of fascism. These actions include the blatant disregard for democratic norms, the exploitation of nationalistic and xenophobic sentiments, and the continuous undermining of the rule of law. In the included clip, Joe Scarborough highlights specific incidents, such as Trump’s attempts to steal nuclear secrets, his subsequent cover-ups, and his numerous lies to the Justice Department and the FBI. These actions demonstrate a flagrant disrespect for the legal frameworks that underpin American democracy.
Furthermore, as revealed through various leaks and his own admissions, Trump’s intentions paint a chilling picture of what a second term under his leadership would entail. Project 2025, for instance, outlines plans to round up undocumented immigrants, among other authoritarian measures. Trump’s rhetoric, often laced with fascist undertones, includes referring to his political opponents and critics as “vermin,” a term historically used by fascist regimes to dehumanize and target marginalized groups.
The Media’s Complicity in Normalizing Fascism
The media plays a crucial role in shaping public perception and discourse. However, the mainstream media’s approach to covering Trump has often been marked by an unhealthy obsession with maintaining balance, even when the facts are overwhelmingly skewed. This false equivalence not only distorts the reality of Trump’s actions but also legitimizes his dangerous rhetoric and policies.
A notable example is the media’s hesitance to label Trump a fascist despite the overwhelming evidence unequivocally. Instead, they often frame his actions as merely controversial or divisive, thereby downplaying the severity of his threat to democracy. As Anand Giridharadas, Stephanie Ruhle, and Morning Joe discussed, this tendency to shy away from calling out fascism stems from a deep-seated need to appear neutral and balanced, even when such neutrality is detrimental to the truth.
The Dangerous Quest for Balance
The inclination to maintain balance at all costs is not limited to the media but is also prevalent among politicians. Mitt Romney, often seen as a paragon of virtue within the Republican Party, exemplifies this problematic stance. Despite recognizing Trump’s criminal behavior, Romney and many others in his position opted for a cautious approach, prioritizing political expediency over moral clarity. This approach fails to hold Trump accountable, emboldens his followers, and normalizes his actions.
This false balance is dangerous because it creates a misleading narrative that there are two equally valid sides to every issue, even when one side represents a clear and present danger to democracy. By refusing to take a firm stand against Trump’s fascist tendencies, both the media and politicians contribute to the erosion of democratic norms and the potential rise of authoritarianism.
The Need for Unwavering Truth
To safeguard democracy, it is imperative that both the media and politicians abandon their obsession with false balance and speak the truth unequivocally. Imagine a political landscape where leaders and journalists alike were unafraid to call out fascism and expose the dangers posed by figures like Trump. Such honesty would inform the public and galvanize efforts to protect democratic institutions and values.
Educating the American public about the real threats to democracy requires a commitment to truth and a rejection of false equivalence. The stakes are too high to continue indulging in the illusion of balance when the very foundation of democracy is at risk. Trump’s potential return to power is not just a political issue but a moral one that demands clear and unambiguous opposition from all quarters.
The characterization of Donald Trump as a fascist is supported by substantial evidence and warrants serious consideration. The media and politicians must abandon their misguided quest for balance and prioritize truth and accountability. Only by doing so can we hope to preserve democracy and prevent the rise of authoritarianism in the United States.
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