From weaves to nails to lashes Black women are always getting trashed for how we choose to beautify ourselves but yeah—a long rant forgive me:
I think she looks great and it is HER BUSINESS what she puts on her OWN BODY and why, period!
Anyone following my substack knows some of my back story from my previous postings. In a few of those articles, I write about losing my job after speaking up about being bullied by a Black female supervisor.
While my bully was a woman as well as a person of color, the people looking into the harassment matter were White; in fact, the company was based in New Hampshire (I worked remotely), where the demographic was 75 percent white with the remaining percentage split between Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Other.
In our department, we were the only two people of color.
Where was the solidarity?
So, the way they saw it, what I perceived as bullying was merely two Black women engaged in a bit of a personality clash.
Yah know, one would think being two minorities trying to make a go in a world that was hostile to us to begin with would create a bit of solidarity, but no. The woman in question saw me as a threat to the tokenship status I may gain in the company and was gunning for me.
Man, that company sang my praises before the other woman's promotion and elevation. They talked about how well I adapted to the culture, how quickly I picked up on and evaluated assignments, and how they loved my writing. People from other departments reached out to say how much they loved the new writing voice and to keep it up!
Then Homegirl got promoted, and it was barely two weeks before the backbiting began. She told people, for instance, that I hated the job and that my routine visits to get infusions for my RA were an excuse not to work.
My hubby told me to start screenshotting and capturing email and chat correspondence immediately, which I did—and it saved my ass. Homegirl tried to set me up 1000 ways to Sunday!
For example, she told me to write a marketing piece that I knew sounded dumb. I asked a superior about it, and they told me to ignore her and write what I wanted. Ever a people pleaser and afraid to make waves, I went against my gut and wrote what the woman asked me to.
When I presented the information, everyone like, "What the fuck of this?"
“Personality Clash” seems to be the way of getting out of handling harassment and bullying
She never spoke up and said it was her idea, making me look like a fool during an important first-time group presentation between the marketing staff and the creative department.
Thankfully, I had documentation of the exchange to show people, and at least one supervisor stood up for me.
It wasn't the only thing she did, but it was the most well-documented. She was really, really good at the corporate politics game, and in this regard, I was outmatched.
I eventually went to HR about the bullying, microaggressions, and harassment I received. For my troubles, I was "laid off" and told to sign a settlement where I would never publicly mention the company's name.
I couldn't sue because I didn't have written or video evidence of intent, which is the cornerstone of law. All the lawyers I spoke to said I was obviously retaliated against, but they turned away numerous cases like mine based on the inability to prove what was behind the company and the woman's actions, especially since she was also a woman of color.
It seems much more complicated to sue in this regard than people think.
It was not the first time I was harassed at a company for being either a woman or a person of color. It's why I refuse to return to the corporate sector and now work for myself, although my Irish hubby fails to understand my reluctance. He feels I "gave up."
I'd rather have months of "feast versus famine” and vice versa than that shit.
Incidentally, the woman who harassed me, the one I warned the upper brass would not stop but only escalate, was fired a month after me. It appears she went full-on sociopathic crazy-ass mode, likely feeling empowered by "defeating" me.
I learned from one of the employees who felt I got a raw deal and kept me abreast of what was happening in the company.
Last reported—there have been mass layoffs at said company.
News Headlines highlight MTG’s racist comment
When I saw folks talking about the verbal throwing-of-hands on the congressional floor between essentially three reps, namely MTG, AOC, and Jasmine Crockett (I shorthand here because, man, my fingers and eyes are cramping—lol), I did a Google search to learn more about it.
Long and short: Jasmine Crockett and Marjorie Taylor Greene exchanged barbs after the GA congresswoman made a comment about Jasmine Crockett’s eyelashes:
The comments drew immediate outrage from Democratic reps including committee ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who moved to strike Greene’s comments from the record. That motion ultimately failed, and Greene refused to apologize.
Crockett took that chance to ask for clarification. To Chairman James Comer (R-KY), she said, “I’m just curious. To better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleached-blonde, bad-built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?”
Appearing on CNN Friday to discuss the heated exchange, Crockett stood by her words, telling CNN’s Abby Phillip she had “no regrets” about what she’d said. —The Daily Beast
Homegirl never mentioned Marge by name—but everyone knew who she was referencing. A hit dog will holla, as they say.
Even Farron Balanced, which I usually like and agree with, claimed Jasmine Crockett "started" this fight:
Once again, a Black woman rises to defend herself against rebuke and attack, and once again, she is the one being targeted for shame by the press and even some allies.
And seriously, who started it? Is this grade school?
But if we are going to go there:
Marjorie Taylor Green insulted Crockett's eyelashes, ergo, and appearance, i.e.:
The tension escalated when Ms Greene responded with, “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you are reading.” NDTV world
Before anyone says anything, I chose that particular news outfit NDTV to quote because they posted a decent video of the event and matter of fact information. The above article also references AOC’s comments and barbs. First bump to AOC for having Crockett’s back.
People can post links to other news outlets they would like to refer to in the comments below.
In any case, what Marjorie Taylor Greene said is against dah rules, but rules smooles ‘ am’iright?
As many know, Jasmine Crockett is a lovely, well-put-together girl. MTG is jealous of AOC and Crockett because, by society's standards, both are eye-catching and attractive.
Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things—but it is what it is.
MTG's claim to fame is a wackadoodle comment about Jewish space lasers.
Crockett is also right to claim that the barb was racist in its phrasing as Black women are often routinely targeted for ridicule for beautifying themselves in ways that all women do, namely getting their hair and nails done or getting false eyelashes. When I can afford to, I get lashes done, too—and I mostly see White women in the beauty salon doing the same.
When a Black woman asserts herself and tries to indicate that she has value, e.g., a fraction of power, they try their best to strip it from her, e.g., MTG crack on her looks and why Comer allowed it. The jackass.
But Crockett was undeterred, saying with all due sass:
"I also took this as an opportunity to again flex on MAGA and let them know that I will always be smarter than you, and you can call me a DEI hire all you want to and launch all of the continuous insults that you want to against me but she is no match for me when it comes to intellect," she insisted. "She just decided, 'Oh, I have privilege, so I'm just going to say whatever I want to say,' and then leaned back, and that is exactly what she did. And she knew that she would face no consequences, or at least she thought she would face no consequences."
See, Marjorie Taylor Greene and the type of people who would attack AOC and Jasmine Crocektt can't argue the merits of any intellectual argument, so they go for grade yard bullying. It makes no case, but it makes them and the bullies they represent feel good. They feel as if they won—and maybe they did. — RAWSTORY
She is right, and perhaps the most unfair element of all this is, yes, to be Black, you have to be ten times as good to be considered halfway worthy of a DEI hire. White men have been part of a privileged quota system for years, but boo-hoo when others can get considered for a job who aren’t White and male. Fuck!
No—to be a woman or a POC, you have to be perfect. Above reproach. See, if you smoked pot once, well, that is enough reason to shoot a kid like Trayvon Martin dead, whereas Kyle Rittenhouse could kill people with a gun he legally wasn’t even supposed to own and be a Republcian hero.
As they say in the hood, it sounds about White.
I know right, ain’t that some ish?
Republicans can bully, and the only thing we can do is accept being bullied and take them back with loving arms once they see the error of their ways—do it all with honor too, I guess.
Marjorie Taylor Green's district keeps voting her in because she tells all those uppity minorities what's what and puts them in place. Her only value is hateful and performative. She is the Jerry Springer Choas Agent of politics, all we need do now is to hand her a few chairs to bash people over the head with to complete the picture.
Her district loves her for it. More please, they say.
Yet, I am sure this is all somehow Jasmine Crockett's fault—all hullabaloo over a mere personality clash.
So, Farron, I can't entirely agree with you here, bruh. Corkcett did not officially “start it,” hard finger quotes, but she sought to end it and, to her credit, did not even use a name in her insult—unlike MTG, who attacked both AOC and Crockett directly.
The lack of true solidarity when something like this comes to a head is why Black America is starting to feel as if we have no true allies and is wondering where to turn. People of Color will and have taken on Goliath when needed, but who will fight for us when we are left bleeding in the sand and not even allowed the dignity of fighting for ourselves?