Short version: Some dude on Twitter accused me of lying about having raised over $500,000 for Democrats so far this election cycle.
I posted receipts.
They refused to acknowledge that they were wrong and instead made ad hominem attacks.
Anyway, as much as I’d love to spend all morning dunking on this jackass, I’d rather spend it actually raising money for Democrats.
Oh’s actually over $540,000 as of this morning, nearly half of which is for STATE LEGISLATIVE Democrats!
Help keep it going! Pick a page, pick some candidates and donate directly to them today at
Here’s links to specific pages:
Here’s an archive of the various State Legislative pages:
If you want to focus exclusively on State Legislative races in SWING states, use this link:
While you're at it, if you appreciate my efforts & want to support ME as well (none of what I raise for Dems goes in my pocket), you can do so here, thanks!
P.S. FWIW, here’s how much I’ve raised for every Democratic U.S. Senate nominee as of this morning:
UPDATE: For those wondering, I’ll be posting a full breakout at the end of May in a few days, but here’s a rough breakout of where things stand at the moment:
- U.S. Senate: $167,000 (31%)
- U.S. House: $103,000 (19%)
- Statewide Races: $33,500 (6%)
- State Legislatures: $240,000 (44%)
UPDATE x2: Someone in the comments asked who I would recommend donating to if I could only recommend 1 candidate. This is incredibly difficult since a) there’s so many of them and b) they’re all important for different reasons.
All told, there’s around ~7,500 partisan seats up this year when you include federal, statewide & state legislative seats (that doesn’t even get into county/municipal/local offices).
Of those, I’m raising money for perhaps 800 or so (~50 House, ~20 Senate, ~25 Statewides & ~700 State Legislative races).
Of those, there’s perhaps 150 or so which I’d say are truly critical/tossups.
And of those it depends on where you’d prefer to focus. Personally, I’m recommending small donors focus downballot on state legislative races, especially in the swing states since boosting Democratic turnout for state legislative races also helps boost statewide races (Senate, Governor and President, of course) via “reverse coattails”.
For one thing, President Biden & U.S. Senate Democrats are already raising tens of millions of dollars. For another, a small donation goes a lot further at the local/state legislative level than it does for a statewide race, where it’s a drop in the bucket.
With that in mind, if you only have, say, $50 or $100 to donate, while I can’t narrow it down to just one candidate, I’d probably pick a few of the races from these swing state pages:
- ARIZONA legislature: Could gain Dem trifecta; has critical U.S. Senate race; has 2 critical U.S. House races; POTUS swing state; abortion rights on ballot
- GEORGIA legislature: POTUS swing state
- MICHIGAN legislature: Must KEEP Dem trifecta; has critical U.S. Senate race; has 3 critical U.S. House races; POTUS swing state
- NEVADA legislature: Could gain Dem supermajority; has critical U.S. Senate race; has critical U.S. House race; POTUS swing state
- NEW HAMPSHIRE legislature: Could flip state House; POTUS swing state
- NORTH CAROLINA legislature: Could break GOP supermajority; has critical U.S. House race; potential POTUS swing state (NC hasn’t been considered one recently but Team Biden seems to think it’s worth investing in)
- PENNSYLVANIA legislature: Could gain Dem trifecta; has critical U.S. Senate race; has 4 critical U.S. House races; POTUS swing state
- WISCONSIN legislature: Could break GOP supermajority & potentially even flip a chamber; has critical U.S. Senate race; has 2 critical U.S. House races; POTUS swing state
UPDATE x3: For what it’s worth, I’ve raised another $3,500 since I first posted this diary, thanks! Not sure how much of it came from here but that still brings the total up to over $545,000!