I’ve followed live updates of Trump’s trial from multiple sources and now find myself imaging what I would think or say during deliberations if I were on the jury.
1. Did Trump have sex with Stormy Daniels? Probably, but not proven beyond a reasonable doubt. But also not particularly relevant. It isn’t a crime and it isn’t what he’s charged with.
2. Did Stormy get paid to keep her mouth shut? Absolutely. We have a signed contract and documented payment. Also not a crime and not what Trump is charged with.
3. Was she paid off to protect the Trump campaign? Yes. There’s lots of documentation in texts, email, phone calls, etc. that the campaign was in a panic that this might come out and they were desperate to hide it. It is not a crime to hide information for campaign purposes, but paying money to keep it hidden is a campaign expense. Campaign expenses must be reported and this was not. That is a crime, but not one Trump is charged with.
4. Was it Trump who made the payment? Not directly. Michael Cohen made the payment from his own money, but Trump reimbursed him. His lawyers tried to claim it was legal fees, specifically a retainer for legal work, but that isn’t credible. There was no retainer agreement and no legal work done. Multiple witnesses and documents support that Cohen was reimbursed and Trump himself publicly stated the he was reimbursed. Still not a crime and not what he’s charged with.
5. Was the reimbursement concealed by falsifying business records to show the reimbursement as payment for legal services? Yes. Testimony from multiple witnesses, other than Cohen, as well as texts, emails, phone calls that confirm the real purpose of the payments and the plan to hide it as legal expenses. This IS a crime and the one Trump is charged with. It is, however, a misdemeanor unless it was done for the purpose of covering up another crime.
6. Was it done for the purpose of covering up another crime? Yes. Calling it a legal expense was done, at least partly, to hide the fact that it was an unreported campaign expense.