He Will Take It.
Don’t think for a moment that when given the opportunity, the unspeakable won’t happen in a hurry. You can EXPECT this Spanish Inquisition. Religious fanatics have NO PLACE in a democracy or any society that has any diversity at all. Samuel Alito is a religious fanatic without question, and he has no business being a judge in our country let alone of the Supreme Court.
He’s right, there is no middle road between those who do not respect Constitutional Rights and those who do. If we win this election, we cannot back away from removing the weapons of fanaticism from public life. Alito must be legally removed from the Supreme Court along with any other Justice that clearly perjured themselves in confirmation hearings. Then the Supreme Court must be expanded and regulated for strict ethics and IMPARTIALITY. Chief Justice Roberts should be forced to resign or be demoted. He lost all control, or this is actually what he supports.