Our old man McSweeney (16 years old) had to be rushed to the emergency vet today (we’re on vacation). He had collapsed at some point early this morning, and we seriously thought this was the end; he was shaking, shallow breathing, dilated pupils, and had actually defecated in the hallway.
We found an emergency clinic and rushed him over; during the car ride he seemed to perk up a bit. They checked his glucose right away and it was 20 (he’s diabetic and does get insulin; my mom actually gave him his regular shot when she found him, thinking his sugar was too high). He got a bolus of glucose and we waited a bit; after about an hour he was wanting to run out the door. Other tests were run; CBC, kidneys, etc. and everything else is normal. His kIdney values were a bit borderline, but he does have known kidney disease which so far is controlled.
We’re about to leave (we were actually on the phone with CareCredit trying to get approved), and he starts getting lethargic again. Bundle him back in; glucose test...29. They give him some more glucose, and we wait a while. He seemed fine after awhile (he was actually roaming the clinic and saying hi to all the vets), but they felt that the best thing to do was keep him there for the day to be monitored; the insulin takes a while to wear off and since we don’t have a glucometer—I’m getting one after this!--taking him home right away wouldn’t go well.
We just gave the clinic a call and he’s doing well; we also called our regular vet and he has an appointment for a glucose curve on Tuesday. I’d heard that some diabetic pooties can go into remission/no longer need insulin, and we’re not sure if that’s what this is (first time something like this has ever happened).
The total bill for this is going to be around $2500. (we were somehow able to scrape together $1000 for the first emergency visit) I’m not sure if we’ll be able to cover the amount that will be due tomorrow; anything that anyone can contribute would be amazing. Right now any funds I have are tied up and can’t be accessed for a few days.
My Paypal username is @WiredWolf; Paypal/Zelle email is istafurik at gmail.com