I just love nature and adore wildlife! That’s why I’m just in awe daily when I glimpse out my back sliding glass door and see a scene like the one pictured above; two black-bellied whistling ducks hanging out with a brown rabbit. All living together in perfect harmony. It really brings inner peace and soothes the soul just to watch them. I can’t imagine a world in which beautiful creatures like these cease to exist.
That’s why I am such a staunch environmentalist. I’m a proud standing member of both the Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida AND the Hillsborough County Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida. Both seek to educate residents about climate concerns and seek to elect environmental champions who will take action and change policies.
The DECF had reached out to me to see last month about running for office in my district. At that time, there were no democrats in my district’s State House race. The Republican incumbent has been in office for a few years, so I looked up his “legislative scorecard” with the DECF. Was not surprised to find that he had scored a 49% out of 100%, which is a solid “F” rating! He is always on the wrong side of things- supporting issues which should be opposed and vice versa.
It was a no-brainer for me to enter the race and give him some healthy competition. I strongly believe that we Dems shouldn’t leave any race with a Republican unopposed, so I decided to run and my campaign began. I raised enough money to qualify and get on the ballot, but the fundraising still continues as things such as t-shirts, yard signs, business cards, etc. must be purchased. When elected, I’ll not only be able to vote to reverse some of the terrible environmental policies that legislators like him have put in place, I’ll have a say in reversing a lot of bad legislation in other areas as well.
I was elated when the FL Democratic Party announced yesterday that Florida Democrats have contested every legislative seat for the first time since the state flipped nearly 30 years ago! This is due largely in part to the program called 140 Florida Blue Project, which urged Dems to get out and run in every race. Because of their efforts, there is now a Democrat running in every House and Senate district, successfully fielding 140 candidates in every race for the Florida legislature. This is unprecedented. And I can proudly say that I’m part of that movement.
I have a very positive outlook for our state…. with the help and support of strong Democrats everywhere, we can flip this red state blue once and for all! It’s definitely way overdue.
I invite you to read more about me and humbly ask for any help in supporting my mission by clicking on the link to my website below: