The forced-birth movement is dead, it just don't know it yet. It has achieved close to the pinnacle of success, and that is proving to be its complete undoing. One huge result of the movement’s success has been to prove, definitively, that a large majority of the population disagrees with it. The parallels with Prohibition are unmistakable.
Within a few more election cycles, abortion will be legalized nationally, the Republican Party will be in tatters over the issue, and their movement will never recover. This is exactly what happened with the Temperance Movement. Prohibition showed that banning alcohol was wildly unpopular and utterly unworkable. Since then there has never been even an attempt repeat it.
The same thing is happening faster with abortion, due to a few differences. First, Prohibition was fairly ineffective, which helped it stumble along for 13 years. Abortion bans are, tragically, pretty effective at ruining people's lives.
Secondly, the Temperance movement had medical evidence on its side, and has continued in a quiet way, promoting regulation and alcoholism education. Unlike Temperance, the anti-abortion movement doesn't have any practical benefits, it is entirely based on a religious belief seasoned with misogyny. And of course it is entirely uncoupled from any actual attempts to help families.
Finally, Prohibition was voted in, while forced-birth has been created by the unelected and corrupt Republican partisans on the Supreme Court. It has no popular mandate, and never will.
Once your movement has achieved its ultimate goal, only to be utterly rejected by the country, where can it go from there? Nowhere. It is now a zombie, stumbling around, destroying people's lives, unaware that it is already dead. It can't be buried soon enough.