I tried, really I tried. But I just couldn’t stop myself. Why can’t I ever learn?!
Today on NextDoor, I stumbled across a post lamenting the fact that California has been a blue state for several decades now. The poster believed that it was self-evident that a state run by Democrats couldn’t possibly be a reasonable and enjoyable place to live. California is going to hell. Taxes are high, homeless people own the streets, crime is rampant, liberals and their reckless, expensive policies are everywhere — honestly, how can decent people survive here? Why do Californians keep voting for evil, incompetent Democrats? Clearly, everyone is desperate to leave, right?
Considering the fact that Southern California is overwhelmingly liberal, I waded through dozens of comments, looking for someone to defend our state and our politicians. Surely someone would step up. But no one did. All the commenters were pissing on the stupid liberals for electing progressive politicians who were making California a hellhole. I was biting my tongue until it bled.
So I just had to post this. Sorry, I really had to let it out.
California used to be a Republican state, until 2 things happened. In 1994, voters approved Prop 187, which stripped away all rights from undocumented immigrants. Then in 2008, voters stripped away marriage rights from same-sex partners. Both were subsequently overturned. But when Californians recognized what Republicans stood for, they were outraged and have never looked back. A perfect example of "be careful what you wish for." Republicans are now learning that stripping away women's right to health care will be the equivalent of Props 187 and 8 on the national scale.
That should shut them up, or else open another gaping wound.