As a bit of a counter to the prevailing press coverage and sense here, many focus groups seemed to indicate that Biden did better than trump.
One Axios group did turn on Biden, but MSNBC groups said Trump did poorly among swing voters and the Univision group turned completely on Trump, with nearly every voter now more likely to vote for Biden.
Biden did suffer on the optics tonight, no doubt, but it appears that Trump did not actually come out that much better, if at all. I am no pollyanna, (I posted a day or two before 2022 that the Dems were going to get creamed) but it might be that this was more of a draw or even better Biden performance than the press coverage would lead you to believe.
UPDATE: CNN flash poll shows that 80% of watchers did not change their vote, even though they thought Trum won. Among the 5% who did say the debate changed their vote, half changed it away from Trump, Half away from Biden. Press coverage can change these numbers, but as of now, the poor optics don’t seem to be hurting Biden.