I Feel Pretty and Witty and…
A few final words as we say farewell to Pride Month:
“I was and am a woman of faith, so one of the first things I did is I went to the Bible and, because I had experience in writing and teaching Bible studies, it didn’t take me long to figure out that the verses in the Bible that had been used to condemn LGBTQ people and same-sex relationships didn’t apply to my son. My son just wanted to meet someone, fall in love, have a family someday—and he wanted to do it with someone of the same gender. That was not addressed in the Bible.”
—Texas-based Mama Bears founder Liz Dyer, whose grassroots organization of 40,000+ activists fights hate against their LGBTQ kids with “intention and persistence.”
"I am a gay veteran of front-line combat in Europe in World War II. I did not fight that war to return to second-class citizenship or back-of-the-bus status (or off the bus altogether) for me and my fellow gays. ... We seek not 'special rights and privileges' as you term them, but precise equality of rights and privileges in what is our America...as much as it is your America as non-gay Americans."
—The late LGBTQ civil rights pioneer Frank Kameny
“Almost 14 years ago, Joe stood beside President Obama as he signed the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Then, as President, he made it possible for trans Americans to serve openly in the military. Just this morning, Joe took another step to right those decades of injustice—pardoning many service members who were court martialed for the crime of simply being themselves, honoring those heroes and the service of the many other LGBTQ troops, veterans, and their families who have given so much for our country.”
—First Lady Jill Biden
“I like my beers cold and my homosexuals flaming.”
—Homer Simpson
"[Anti-LGBTQ laws] are creating fear and misinformation for parents and are designed to demonize some of the most vulnerable people in our community. We need to show that our community supports LGBTQ rights.”
—Frankie Miranda, the first openly gay president of the Hispanic Federation, one of the nation's largest Latino advocacy organizations, who draws upon his experiences to help fight laws and policies that target LGBTQ people.
"If you removed all of the homosexuals and homosexual influence from what is generally regarded as American culture, you would be pretty much left with Let's Make A Deal."
—Fran Lebowitz
"I do not think that any self-respecting radical in history would have considered advocating people’s rights to get married, join the Army, and earn a living as a terribly inspiring revolutionary platform."
—Former Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank’s response when he was once accused of having a "radical gay agenda.”
A tip 'o the tiara to the legion of straight supporters here at Daily Kos for your unequivocal support of the LGBTQ community, especially today, both within and beyond these crazy orange walls. Achieving equality isn't possible without you on board, and every victory we celebrate is yours, too. So, thanks. I've begun the paperwork to adopt all of you.
And now, our feature presentation...
Cheers and Jeers for Friday, June 28, 2024
Note: Great news! Yesterday morning's lottery was another rousing success for the community. Our thanks to the late Tessie Hutchison and the townsfolk for upholding our motto: "Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon." (And don’t skimp on that butter—ha ha ha, right?)
By the Numbers:
Days 'til USA celebrates independence from Britain and British voters celebrate independence from the Tories: 6
Days 'til the Twin Cities, San Antonio, and Anchorage Pride parades: 1
Percent of the typical American household's budget that went to housing costs in 1984 and 2024, respectively: 19%, 27%
Years Julian Assange spent in a London prison before his plea deal this week with U.S. authorities that freed him: 5
Month and year that Maine's civilian workforce returned to pre-pandemic levels: 5/24
Position of Gordon Lightfoot's Sundown, Bo Donaldson & the Heywoods' Billy Don’t Be A Hero, and The Stylistics' You Make Me Feel Brand New on the Billboard singles chart 50 years ago this week: #1, #2, #3
Age of Mel Brooks as of today: 98
Puppy Pic of the Day: Weekend plans…
CHEERS to a fine summary finely summarized in summary form. Last night's debate—which theoretically brought together the two sharpest minds from the two parties who govern the most awesomest country on the planet—came off with all the excitement of a city council discussion of zoning laws and budget requests. So now that a day passed, who won the debate? I say it was John Cole at Balloon Juice, for mind-melding the national consciousness and living to blog about it:
I kind of feel like I just spent the last hour and a half on several hits of acid, sniffing dirty socks I had dipped into hospital ether, stoned to the bejeezus on kine bud, doing foil hits of opium while drinking a quart of vodka and watching Beetlejuice in slow motion while naked rolling in body paint as the Velvet Underground’s “Heroin” played on repeat at earbleeding volumes and every time someone in the room tried to talk to someone else, they just pointed at someone, did a hit of amyl nitrate, and giggled uncontrollably. Also too, rainbows. Go ask Alice. I hear she’s ten feet tall.
Gotcha! Here's the surprise twist: that was from October of 2012, after the first debate during which Mitt Romney romper-stomped all over a tired and disengaged Barack Obama. Anyway…
I forgot how deadly dull debates can be. Yeah, the win, such as it is, goes to Trump, but it's no surprise. He's not simultaneously running for re-election and running the most powerful nation in the known universe. Nor was he fact-checked to any degree by the moderators, who could just as easily been A.I. holograms of two naked mole rats playing Wordle. Final overall grade for this debate: B for Bleh. Nothing about it will end up on any highlight reels. Happy summer, everyone.
JEERS to pissing away money. Well, shucks. I thought taking my daily Centrum horse pill (not to be confused with my daily Ivermectin horse pill) was going to keep the "died on" date off my tombstone for many centuries. Sorry to say, folks, that we've apparently been tricked, hoodwinked, conned, led down the primrose path, and outright bamboozled, because…
A study from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published Wednesday found that multivitamins won't help extend your life, with researchers reporting, "multivitamin use to improve longevity is not supported." […]
Rather than living longer, otherwise healthy people who took daily multivitamins were slightly more likely (4%) than non-users to die in the study period, according to researchers.
"What this study shows is that, generally, multivitamins aren't going to help you live longer," Dr. Jade A Cobern, MD, MPH, board-certified physician in pediatrics and general preventive medicine, told ABC News.
Well, back to Plan B: drinking the blood of my victims.
CHEERS to Ol' Shortypants. James Madison, who at 5'4" holds the distinction of being the U.S. president with the lowest center of gravity, died in Montpelier, Virginia 188 years ago today.
He was the chief architect of the United States Constitution, and today he's rolling in his grave over the GOP's manhandling of it. The book Rating the Presidents (a survey of 700 historians and political analysts) sums up his legacy as one of "courageous leadership as president, guided by the principles of the Constitution, which he played so large a part in framing. All Americans owe him a great debt of gratitude."
Pay your respects here. But don't tell him how Republicans have been using his sacred founding document as toilet paper. He’s got enough problems as head of the Dead Presidents’ Condo Association. (“Dammit, Taft, For the last time, get your stuff out of President Polk’s storage unit.”)
CHEERS to he who is laughing last. During this week in 1520, Montezuma II was murdered as Spanish conquistadors fled the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. Today he gets his "revenge" by inflicting a certain embarrassing malady on tourists who visit Mexico and drink the water. Now pay attention, class:
When you're slidin' into first and you feel something burst—Diarrhea! Diarrhea!
When you're slidin' into third and you lay a juicy turd—Diarrhea! Diarrhea!
When you're slidin' into home and your shorts are filled with foam—Diarrhea! Diarrhea!
When you're sittin’ in your Chevy and your pants are wet and heavy—Diarrhea! Diarrhea!
Look at that: history, sports, biology, and industrial engineering. At C&J, school's always in session.
CHEERS to home vegetation. Meh—it’s the middle of summer, so as far as TV goes, everything’s pretty much reruns at the moment.
The MSNBC crew will be competing tonight with PBS’s Washington Week and Firing Line (with tonight’s guest Edward O’Keefe, head of the Theorodore Roosevelt Presidential Library Foundation.) Oh, and tonight at 8 me and my online Enterprise crewmates are live-tweeting—via hashtag #allstartrek—the classic episode of Star Trek (H&I network) where Kirk has to fight mind-controlling organisms infesting a planet that is home to a colony where his brother (William Shatner in a fake mustache) lives.
The most popular movies and streamers, new and old, are all reviewed here at Rotten Tomatoes. (the latest A Quiet Place sequel tops the list in theaters, which ironically are noisy places these days). Sports schedules: MLB here and WNBA here. U.S. Olympic trials in women’s gymnastics are tonight on NBC, with men’s gymnastics and track & field events tomorrow. On 60 Minutes: encore reports on Interpol’s success in fighting global crime and the sad boom in sports betting. And the weekend wraps up Sunday night at 9 with another stab-a-palooza on HBO’s House of the Dragon.
Now here's your stupid-ass Sunday morning lineup:
Meet the Press: Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA); human corpse flower and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum (MAGA Cult).
This Week: Senator Chris Coons (D-DE); Dr. Anthony Fauci; and for reasons that are all bad, prison-bound parasite Steve Bannon whines about his impending stint in the hoosegow like a little crybaby.
CNN's State of the Union: Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC); Sen. Lindsey Graham (MAGA Cult-SC).
Face the Nation: Sen. J.D. Underpance (MAGA Cult-OH); Governor Wes Moore (D-MD).
Fox MAGA Talking Points Sunday: Senators John Fetterman (D-PA) and J.D. Vance (MAGA Cult-OH); Rep. Michael McCaul (MAGA Cult-TX).
Happy viewing!
Ten years ago in C&J: June 28, 2014
JEERS to unstable tyrants and their unstable toys. North Korea fired a couple medium-range rockets over the Sea of Japan yesterday. They fell harmlessly into the water and sank to the bottom. "Ah—this will be very useful to us in our quest for world domination," said evil squids.
And just one more…
CHEERS to the other American Revolution. On June 28, 1969, a ragtag gaggle of customers at a seedy Greenwich Village gay bar run by the mafia—the Stonewall Inn—decided they'd had enough police harassment for one lifetime. So they got mad as hell, especially the drag queens who had no more fucks to give, tipped over a police car, hurled some rocks and gave new life to the LGBT rights movement. As the deputy police inspector said: "For those of us in [the] public morals [division], things were completely changed...Suddenly they were not submissive anymore." The Stonewall is now a National Monument, and its footprint has been expanded:
The National Park Service has announced its intention to open a nearly 3,700-square-foot LGBTQ historic center next door to New York City’s Stonewall Inn in 2024. The Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center will be the first LGBTQ visitor center within the NPS’ system of parks and monuments — and it’s being sponsored by some of the best known queer entertainers and allied companies in the nation.
The center pledges to provide an “immersive experience” by hosting tours, exhibits, and lectures on LGBTQ culture and history. The center will also serve as an office for park rangers overseeing the eight-acre Stonewall Inn national monument which includes the bar, Christopher Park, and the surrounding streets involved in the 1969 Stonewall Uprising. The uprising marked the start of the modern-day LGBTQ rights movement.
It's been a wild 55 years. Back in 1969 gays were labeled by the right-wingers as "pedophile groomers" and "moral degenerates" and "godless heathen." Then, over the decades, a huge majority of Americans embraced their LGBTQ family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. LGBTQers were allowed to serve openly in the military. The ban on transgender enlistees was tossed in the dustbin of history. The vast majority of businesses began openly supporting LGBTQ employees and many of them sponsored LGBTQ advocacy groups. And thanks, believe it or not, to the Supreme Court and the tenacity of the plaintiffs who argued their cases before it, marriage equality was made legal and employment discrimination was made illegal.
Now here we are in 2024, and we're back to being labeled pedophile groomers, moral degenerates, and godless heathen. Conclusion: that “moral arc of the universe” is apparently a corkscrew.
Have a great weekend. Floor's open...What are you cheering and jeering about today?