Living on the financial edge—need help? Check out the Helping Directories before your next emergency.
As always, fundraisers are free to post a brief ask and donation links as a reply to the List.
Housing and Living Expenses Fundraisers and Other Links
When sending via PayPal, be sure to select “Send to family/friend” to avoid fees on either end.
gtghawaii—has a diary We Need A New ERA—good read—with an ask for help for a pricy med. From gtghawaii: “… I take a monthly injection shot [to] manage inoperable NET tumors. I am disabled and on a fixed income. The copay for Lanreotide with Medicare is $1100 per month. I have half of that available but my daughter who usually helps me simply can’t this month. I need help with the remaining $550. 540…” • • Venmo at Stacey-Carpio • Cash app $g2ghawaii
userexists—has a fundraiser, Goin’ SOLAR, with your help! Right now she’s recharging Wheeliehouse’s batteries on a daily basis, and imposing on a friend to do so. With a $500 new member coupon, good only through the end of the month, and buying refurbished rather than new, she can get a highly rated solar power installation that is plug’n’play for RVs for just $3000. She would like to raise another $1400 to cover some bills that have built up while she’s been sick a lot and some upcoming odds and ends detailed in the diary; call the goal $4500 3987 3417 2590 1330
Her PayPal is userexists11 at gmail dot com and there is a GoFundMe.
h/t BMScott
CyberMindGrrl—As detailed in the diary, funds are needed for increased rent, bills, and more, to make up for currently slow business. Paid subscriptions to her sub stack will help and there is a GoFundMe, with a goal of $5,000 4750. The link for subscriptions is: • GoFundMe is:
zenbassoon—Car died and had to be replaced. Diary • Goal is $2,500 1100 400 to make payments and other bills before the next paycheck and more, because now it turns out that there’s no summer school income, due to budget cuts. Paypal is… • Venmo is at Paul-WagnerJR • Kosmail me for zelle info.
Wired Wolf—urgently needs temporary help with housing costs. Back rent must be paid in order for him and his mom to stay housed. They’ve cut unnecessary expenses, but the student loan and other bills must be paid. From Wired Wolf: “My mom and I are both technically disabled, so have some protections through the state but we need to stay within the ‘rules’ to avoid the eviction trigger of nonpayment…” Really needs $1400 asap, for back rent!
The goal is $3000 2980 2890 2880. Paypal and Zelle; are istafurik at gmail dot com
jtg—needs help this summer, due to no summer school income. is $7500. Patreon • GoFundMe • KoFi • PayPal • Amazon Lists: Pet Supplies • Needs • Food
morgansmom—posted this comment in Helping Humpday: “Hi, need help with transportation to my cancer treatments; our car is having transmission problems, … In the meantime I still have other bills and will have to take public transportation to the hospital. Anything helps. Paypal: wingednag at gmail dot com • name: Pamela Becker”
TulsaGal—Update in GFM: Seeking more funds to repair the roof & finish misc expenses • The goal is $14,500 12,200 7150 6500 4747 3714 3514 3509 3479 •…
PayPal is ldmansker at cox dot net
anotherdemocrat—Update–a little side gig and donations are helping, but it’s still a long haul to pay down the principle, so the interest doesn’t keep mounting. The old car is hanging in there, for short drives.diary: Anyone know where I can find a 2nd job? She’s in Austin and is suddenly $24000 in debt, mainly due to an HOA assessment! From the diary: “So, $24,000 is more money than I can ask even a big community like Daily Kos to donate. I have a venmo: at Becky-Helton, Cashapp: $B3ckyHelt0n, and GoFundMe, if anyone wants to help with next month’s payments but for a big total like that, I need a 2nd job. My day job is M-F from 8-5, so it would have to be evenings & weekends.” and “Skills: writing, 20+ years of customer service work, super reliable…” Kosmail, if you can help.
From a Daily Kos Guild tweet about Christopher Reeves: “Christopher's house burned down early in February. An insurance dispute has made it difficult to access his funds for necessary items, so we're trying to keep him and his family sheltered, fed, and clothed. PLEASE help however you can.” There is a GoFundMe that currently stands at $15,360 15,385 15585 15,635 15,710 15,910 16, 16,310 16,510 16,615 16,815 16965 17965 towards a newly revised goal of $25,000.
This has been his only income , but now from Aashirs nani: “He’s opened a computer shop in Leavenworth, at 2110 S 4th Street. They do repairs (I asked!). If you live in the area, you can help him while helping yourself.” It takes a while for a new business to start generating income.
AZnaturegrrrl—has an ongoing need for dry and canned kitteh food for her numerous rescue kittehs. From AZ: “A $25/30 Chewy voucher (sent to naturegirl61 at icloud dot com) will buy one bag and I will need around 4 bags to get me through the month…” *Chewy gift cards to naturegirl61 at icloud dot com • amazon wish list is…
Rule of Claw is supporting his disabled family members while also disabled himself. He's having some health issues currently and the income from his newsletter isn't adequate to cover everything the family needs. He'd like to expand subscriptions to his Patreon page, The Claw News. He needs a break from DK for personal reasons but you can find him there.
Thanks, as always, to the donors
Kos Katalogue—The 2024 version is here.