I guess it’s time to say the quiet part out loud.
The #1& #2 reason why AOC & Harris … AND, I’m watching Pelosi, Gretchen Whitmore, and Mika on Morning Joe, right now, are ALL supporting Biden at the Top of the Biden & Harris Ticket is bc they understand that misogyny is a BIG issue for many in the electorate. Yes, the Biden & Harris Admin achieved a lot, but the baton can’t just go to Harris on a voting basis, per se. Why? BC …
Misogyny is STILL alive & well in this country!
I’m a woman in my 60’s, and so I’ve spent over ½ a century having to understand men more than they have had to understand themselves. And, I’m going to share some Truths that no one wants to say out loud.
1. We need just about every young man & above 40yo Independent man who voted D for the Biden & Harris Ticket in the last election to vote D AGAIN for the Presidential Win!
2. And frankly, enough of those men will skip pulling the lever for Harris on the top of the ticket, this time, bc of misogyny, plus racism. However, it will be misogyny that creates the fatal butterfly of doubt in their guts and causes too many of them to — simply skip over voting in the Presidential race — for us to win.
How do I know this? LMAO Because as a woman of a certain age, I was trained to listen carefully to all the words and non-verbals from all the men I was ever near or even far away from, if they had power or influence over me. Why? Because, if you’re a woman and you misread the subtlest of cues, you might fail to take the actions needed to try to keep yourself alive & safe!
Bottom line: You get really, REALLY good at understanding … when you are the ones standing under.
(Note: And Gentleman, pls don’t mansplain to me that this is not the way things still are, so I don’t have to cite current rape, domestic violence, and murder rates to ya’ll. Or, introduce you to the young incels. etc)
So, what does the Biden-Harris Ticket give us? It gives us BOTH Biden & Harris. Yes, the Dem leaning men may wonder about Biden’s age, but seeing him at the top of the ticket will calm that Dread-butterfly (misogyny) enough to pull the lever in November. Misogyny trumps ageism.
Frankly, I think Biden & Harris actually “get” this, and that’s why Joe is staying on through the election, and at least thru next January. Because, what is Joe’s super-power? He’s a survivor. He’s upfront to make sure this country survives our 2 potentially fatal flaws — misogyny & racism.
There. So, Can we please listen to some of the TOP women in our party, and start kicking the crap out of racist, misogynistic Trump & Project 2025 and the GOP, NOW?
Rec List: Thank you. I just wish I didn’t have to say what I wrote, but we are a reality based community. Looking at Union Leaders, now, standing & cheering for Biden, Together … Please, I’m begging us, as many of the Dem GOTV activists, to actively FIGHT TOGETHER against Trump’s Project 2025 horror show.