Welcome to another Saturday night of music, memories, and conversations. Last week we enjoyed your songs about a bit of this and a bit of that. We haven’t done this one for a while so this week is an open mic night. What’s new/old/borrowed/blue? Share whatever you’re digging these days!
I saw this band last weekend. They were a lot of fun and they played everything you’d want to hear, including this one:
The B-52’s :: Private Idaho
Gentle reminder: Please continue to put the name of your selection in your comment along with your song. Those of us on our phones? We really appreciate it. And people using screen readers need this in order to identify the video.
You know how this works — Put your quarter in the slot and your song in the comments. This is your Saturday night jukebox and the party starts NOW~!
Upcoming diarists:
Upcoming diarists:
7/20: nottobeseenagain
7/27: anotherdemocrat
8/3: genuinemoderate
8/10: varro
8/17: ???
8/24: ???