Let me first say that I certainly do not condone political violence and I agree that the degree of hateful and violent rhetoric in this country has gotten out of hand in recent years. But one thing I have no tolerance for is hearing the endless parade of voices on the right trying to claim the high ground in the wake of the Trump rally shooting, as if they can’t possibly comprehend how things have gotten to this point. And this includes attendees at the rally itself, who went in front of reporters in the aftermath of the incident questioning why there’s so much hate and acrimony in politics these days, seemingly oblivious to the fact that they were attending a rally for someone who literally opened the floodgates to this kind of caustic rhetoric, behavior and bullying. One attendee even made the statement of how there’s “too much hate” and how we have to “help each other out” and “come together as a human race”… while literally wearing a t-shirt comparing Joe Biden to a blood-sucking parasite. She even states how Trump rallies make her feel “great and wonderful,” as if he’s some kind of benevolent peacemaker. Of course, it went unmentioned by the reporter considering the circumstances that had just occurred, but I couldn’t help but wonder where Jordan Klepper was when you need him.
You can view the full video of her interview at the link below and I have posted a photo of what the full t-shirt looks like, which is popular with Trump supporters and sold in many different variations of the same design, both online and at Trump rallies like the one she was attending.